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d_d_refined [2016/06/12 07:36] – [Skills] Mike Holmesd_d_refined [2025/03/12 21:48] (current) – [Non-Combat Contests] mike_holmes
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   * Willpower (Specialize in Concentration, Resolve)   * Willpower (Specialize in Concentration, Resolve)
-If a skill says "Specify" the skill may be bought more than once, and any reasonably number of specializations of the skill may be taken. The skill may indicate what sort of specific skills may be selected. Some specific skills may have specialties within them, per the rules above, or at GM discretion. +If a skill says "Specify" the skill may be bought more than once, and any reasonable number of specific versions of the skill may be taken. The skill may indicate what sort of specific skills may be selected. Some specific skills may have specializations within them, per the rules above, or at GM discretion. 
-If a skill says "Specialize" then for each level the character takes, they may take another level in a specialization of that skill. These specializations add to the overall skill. So if a character has Common Melee Weapons at 2, they can also take Longsword at 2, for a total of +4 in use of the longsword. +If a skill says "Specialize" then for each level the character takes, they may take another level in a specialization of that skill (this is not automatic, the levels of specialization have to be paid for). These specializations add to the overall skill. So if a character has Common Melee Weapons at 2, they can also take Longsword at 2, for a total of +4 in use of the longsword. 
-=== Skill Ranks ===+=== Purchasing Skill Ranks ===
 All skills start at zero, and go up from there based on experience.  All skills start at zero, and go up from there based on experience. 
-At first level characters get 24 points to buy skills. At each level the character gets more skill points. +At first level characters get 24 points to buy skills. Upon going up a level the character gets 10 more skill points. 
-A full skill costs 3 points to buy one rank, or 9 points to purchase two ranks for that level (no more than two ranks can be purchased per level, even at first level). Specializations can be purchased no higher than the full skill they come from, and cost 1 point each. +A full skill costs 3 skill points to buy one rank, or 9 points to purchase two ranks for that level (no more than two ranks can be purchased per level, even at first level). Specializations can be purchased to a level no higher than the full skill they come from, and cost 1 point each. Thus if a player buys Knowledge - History for their character to level 4, they can purchase a specialization in "Ancient Civilizations" up to level 4, but no more
 === Magic === === Magic ===
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 Each level of magic, in addition to being part of the normal contest roll, allows the caster to cast spells as if they were a caster of the level equal to the rank of the skill. This is in terms of how many spells they get each day, and what level the spells are considered to be cast at.  Each level of magic, in addition to being part of the normal contest roll, allows the caster to cast spells as if they were a caster of the level equal to the rank of the skill. This is in terms of how many spells they get each day, and what level the spells are considered to be cast at. 
-The number of spells cast are affected by the character's prime requisite; INT for arcane, WIS for divine (including Druid), CHA for bardic per the table on this page: http://www.d20srd.org/srd/theBasics.htm+The number of spells a character can cast before refreshing their magic are affected by the character's prime requisite; INT for arcane, WIS for divine (including Druid), CHA for bardic per the table on this page: http://www.d20srd.org/srd/theBasics.htm 
 +The DM and player must work on the effects of spells in general to ensure that they fit the system, but see combat magic below. 
 === Languages === === Languages ===
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 Below is a link to a page that has notes on combat gear available.  Below is a link to a page that has notes on combat gear available. 
-[[D&D Refined Equipment]]+[[D&D Refined:Equipment]]
 ==== General ==== ==== General ====
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 Note that often gear is omitted in a contest description as there is no standard gear for this contest, but special gear (especially magic items) may give bonuses, and all such bonuses are added to the roll.  Note that often gear is omitted in a contest description as there is no standard gear for this contest, but special gear (especially magic items) may give bonuses, and all such bonuses are added to the roll. 
 ==== Crits and Fumbles ==== ==== Crits and Fumbles ====
 On doubles (the numbers on the dice match) and the number is higher than 5, roll the 2d10 again and add the new result to the current total. Keep doing this as long as you keep rolling doubles higher than 5.   On doubles (the numbers on the dice match) and the number is higher than 5, roll the 2d10 again and add the new result to the current total. Keep doing this as long as you keep rolling doubles higher than 5.  
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 ==== Margin of Success ==== ==== Margin of Success ====
-Normal margin of success is 1. For every 5 one exceeds the roll by, add one to the MOS. Often this figure can be taken as a bonus to a subsequent roll, as in rolling over MOS to hit to damage per combat below. +Normal margin of success is 1. For every 5 one exceeds the roll by, add one to the MOS. Often this figure can be taken as a bonus to a subsequent roll, as in rolling over LoS on the roll to hit to the damage roll, per combat below. 
-^High Roll - Low Roll^MOS^+^High Roll - Low Roll(Margin)^LoS^
 |0-4|1| |0-4|1|
 |5-9|2| |5-9|2|
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 Characters may aid each other and themselves in contests. If a character aids, this usually uses up their action for a round. The player selects a target bonus called the Aid Bonus (AB), and enters a contest to see if they get it. The TN for this contest is 4 times targeted AB. So, for example, trying to get an AB of 5 gives a TN of 20.  Characters may aid each other and themselves in contests. If a character aids, this usually uses up their action for a round. The player selects a target bonus called the Aid Bonus (AB), and enters a contest to see if they get it. The TN for this contest is 4 times targeted AB. So, for example, trying to get an AB of 5 gives a TN of 20. 
-MOS of the contest adds to the AB, while a fumble means that the target AB is added instead to the opposing TN. Thus a player may play aiding safe, and go for a low AB with a low TN, and just trust to MOS to push it up a bit, or they may go for a larger AB with a high TN, and risk not giving any bonus at all (or even a large bonus to the opposition if they fumble). +LoS of the contest adds to the AB, while a fumble means that the target AB is added instead to the opposing TN. Thus a player may play aiding safe, and go for a low AB with a low TN, and just trust to MOS to push it up a bit, or they may go for a larger AB with a high TN, and risk not giving any bonus at all (oreven worse, a large bonus to the opposition if they fumble). 
 ==== Combat ==== ==== Combat ====
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 10 + AC + DEX + Reflex (Dodge).  10 + AC + DEX + Reflex (Dodge). 
-Calculate MoS, and transfer to the damage roll below.+Calculate LoS, and transfer to the damage roll below. 
 === Damage Contest === === Damage Contest ===
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 10 + CON + Toughness + Damage Resistance (DR) 10 + CON + Toughness + Damage Resistance (DR)
-MoS determines the level of the injury below.+LoS determines the level of the injury below. 
 === Injuries === === Injuries ===
-For each MoS, the player gets an injury to appropriate stats, typically Con, and one other chosen by the DM. These injuries effectively lower the character's stats by the level of the injury, until healed. Injuries are not cumulative, and the player only has to deal with the worst penalty for each stat. +For each LoS, the target hit records an injury of that level that reflects the description of the damage that affects all rolls of two stats, typically Con, and one other chosen by the DM. These injuries are added to any TN to which the DM feels they would apply (usually anything that the stat affected would be added to), until healed. Injuries are not cumulative, and the player only has to deal with the worst penalty for each stat.  
 +For instance, a character who gets their hands mangled in a trap might be inflicted with a "Mangled Hands 5 CON/5 DEX" injury, which would affect both CON rolls and DEX rolls by adding 5 to the TN of rolls to perform tasks with the character's hands. This would involve holding a weapon to fight for example (since it's a DEX roll to hit), but would not affect rolls to run away quickly (which is also DEX, but the character's legs are uninjured). It would, however, affect the character's ability to run for long distances as that is Endurance, which is CON based, and losing that much blood is going to make it hard to run a long way.    
-If a character ever takes an injury that lowers their Con to -or lower, the character is dying. Contests will happen just for the character to stay alive until stabilized by a healer, and they can do nothing else until so helped. +== Mortal Wounds == 
 +If a character ever takes an injury that is higher than their CON, the character is dying. Contests will happen just for the character to stay conscious and alive until stabilized by a healer, and they can do nothing else until so helped, unless they make a roll to ignore the CON portion of the injury (see Ignoring Injury Effects below)
 == Contest to Avoid Unconsciousness and Dying == == Contest to Avoid Unconsciousness and Dying ==
-Roll + CON (which will be -5 or less at this point) + Toughness +Roll + CON + Toughness 
 Vs.  Vs. 
-5+10 + Injury Level  
 +The first failure on this roll renders the character unconscious, and may make no further actions (including ignoring penalties). If the character fails this roll a second time, they die. 
-The first failure on this roll renders the character unconscious. If the character fails again, they have died.  
 == Ignoring Injury Effects == == Ignoring Injury Effects ==
-A player may opt to have his character attempt to ignore the effects of an injury other than CON loss, understanding that this will exacerbate the injury. +A player may opt to have his character attempt to ignore the effects of an injury, understanding that this will exacerbate the injury. 
 Roll + CON + Willpower (Resolve) Roll + CON + Willpower (Resolve)
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 vs. vs.
-10 + the injury (a -3 penalty becomes a +3 to TN)+10 + Injury Level 
 +LoS is subtracted from the penalties for the injury until morale changes, at which point the roll must be made again. The injury becomes one worse (higher) for all affected attributes after the character takes an action using the reduced penalties (if the roll to reduce the penalty is not good, the player may simply opt not to take the reduction to the penalties, and thereby avoid this effect).  
 +For example, a character with a 5 DEX/5 CON injury to their leg could try to ignore the CON portion of the penalty in order to try fight on to strike down an enemy. If successful, they would get to make their attack, but then the penalty would increase to 6 DEX/6 CON, and the character would be even more likely to fall unconscious. 
-MoS is subtracted from the penalties for the injury until morale changes. The injury becomes one worse for all affected attributes.  
 == Healing == == Healing ==
 Healing spells or potions reduce the effects of any injuries by one per HP healed. Bedrest allows healing contests on a regular basis to reduce injuries point by point.  Healing spells or potions reduce the effects of any injuries by one per HP healed. Bedrest allows healing contests on a regular basis to reduce injuries point by point. 
 === Using Both Hands === === Using Both Hands ===
 A character can use two one-handed weapons, and get a +1 to hit, and may choose to use the stats of either weapon each turn (not both). A character can use two one-handed weapons, and get a +1 to hit, and may choose to use the stats of either weapon each turn (not both).
 +=== Combat Magic ===
 +For spells that do damage, divide the max damage of the spell by 5 to determine it's Damage Bonus (DB), similar to the DB for a weapon. Round nearest... so a spell that does 1d6 damage has a DB of 1, and a spell that does 1d8 damage has a DB of 2. MOS on overcoming target resistance adds to damage, just like normal combat. 
 +== Exceptions ==
 +**Magic Missile**
 +This spell has a DB of 0, but has a +10 to hit modifier
 +==== Non-Combat Contests ==== 
 +Rolls similar in format to combat rolls are conducted in opposed manner, and LoS is calculated as normal. Losers of contests may have "injuries" that are applied that are to things other than the physical stats if appropriate. A loss in an argument, for instance, might result in a consequence that affects WIS and CHA, as the character is enraged and making bad decisions. Or getting caught in a cloud of smoke may introduce a consequence represented as affecting WIS and INT as the character is unable to perceive their whereabouts. 
 +These conditions only last until the fictional situation changes, though often this will require a roll to accomplish, much like a healing roll. 
 +=== Character Loss Consequences === 
 +Similar to a character taking a CON effect that is 5 or more over their affected mod. if another stat is affected thus, the character is taken out of the player's ability to control them, with the effect dependent on the stat and what caused it. A loss of INT that high may be that the character has been rendered senseless somehow. A loss of WIS might represent the character going insane. 
 +Unlike loss of a character to death, effects at this level for stats other than CON can be rectified through rolls akin to healing rolls. 
 ===== Associated Adventure ===== ===== Associated Adventure =====
d_d_refined.1465742190.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/06/12 07:36 by Mike Holmes