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nate:sorcerer-kings:huruzin [2018/09/01 20:36] mike_holmesnate:sorcerer-kings:huruzin [2018/09/01 20:47] (current) mike_holmes
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 Huruzin is a seeker after the sorcerous lore forbidden by the Sorcerer-Kings, and he knows a substantial amount of it already. He is well versed in the school known as [[nate:Sorcerer-Kings:Advanced Sorcerous Writings]] which deals with the power of linking sorcery to the written word.  Huruzin is a seeker after the sorcerous lore forbidden by the Sorcerer-Kings, and he knows a substantial amount of it already. He is well versed in the school known as [[nate:Sorcerer-Kings:Advanced Sorcerous Writings]] which deals with the power of linking sorcery to the written word. 
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nate/sorcerer-kings/huruzin.1535859411.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/09/01 20:36 by mike_holmes