====== Introduction ====== Audeo is a game of daring adventure in a dangerous land of fantasy not unlike Dungeons and Dragons. The mechanics are heavily focused on the idea of the gamble, and what you will dare (or risk) for victory. ===== Rules ===== These rules are all fixed and not subject to change by the players of the game. They form the substance of what Audeo is in play. * [[audeo:Terms|Basic Terminology]] - The common terms used in the game. * [[audeo:Rolling the Dice]] - Basic rules for rolling the dice and other randomness. * [[audeo:Aura and Destiny]] - All about Aura and resolving Destiny. * [[audeo:Creating the Adventurer]] - How you create an Adventurer to play Audeo. * [[audeo:Playing Audeo]] - Simple guide for how you play the game. * [[audeo:Narrating Audeo]] - Simple guide for how you narrate the game. * [[audeo:Pursuits of Audeo]] - All about Pursuits and what they mean in play. * [[audeo:Understanding Potential and Ability]] - How potential works with ability scores in the game. * [[audeo:Means and Instances]] - Wrangling Means for your Adventurer. ===== World ===== These details are all transient and subject to change by the players of the game. They form the flavor and details of the world in which Audeo takes place. * [[audeo:Laurus|Laurus, a World subject to Three Suns]] - An overview of the world Laurus. * [[audeo:The Nine Races]] - The Six races that stayed in the Crowned Valley to keep the old ways, and the Three that retreated into the Underground captivated by the glitter of gold and promise of cool darkness. * [[audeo:Binding of Laurus]] - A set of rules that bind Laurus to [[audeo:Creating the Adventurer|adventurer creation]]. ===== Resources ===== ===== Play ===== Play pages and details for Audeo games. * [[:audeo:play tests|Play Tests]]: Play tests for Audeo, online via IRC on magicstar.