===== Adventurer Data ===== A character for Audeo [[:audeo:play tests|Play Tests]]. ===== Creation Log ===== <&JP> Ok, let me link the wiki pages needed (2) <&JP> http://wiki.wishray.com/doku.php?id=audeo:creating_the_adventurer <&JP> http://wiki.wishray.com/doku.php?id=audeo:binding_of_laurus <&JP> Alright, so the process is in two simple steps. First we roll some dice to determine where the adventurer was Born, Grew up, and was Named (first recognized as something special) plus their race. <&JP> This process is 2d6 for each, keep the least <&JP> lowest, or whatever you want to call it, only one 1d6 result i'm going to call it discard the highest just to be difficult >:) <&JP> sure ok hang on while i read stuff <&JP> sure is there a basic sheet somewhere outline kind of thing <&JP> Nope, not yet <&JP> A wiki template and PDF sheet are in the works ok i'll just make you record it then lol <&JP> Won't take me too long to work that up, like perhaps a couple days <&JP> hehe <&JP> np <&JP> I'm logging! **** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Apr 28 12:22:56 2013 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Apr 28 12:22:56 2013 ok so #roll 2[1d6] land -Notice- -RPGServ/#indie_ooc- <&JP> Born in the a City of Crowned Valley <&JP> Born in a City of Crowned Valley <&JP> <.< <&JP> I know the land chart by heart at this point, so I can just toss out the response based on your first three rolls. Two more to go, have to get a land for where they Grew up and were Named <&JP> :) #roll 2[1d6] land grew -Notice- -RPGServ/#indie_ooc- #roll 2[1d6] land named -Notice- -RPGServ/#indie_ooc- <&JP> Grew up in a Village, and back to the City afterwards i went back home after going away for growing uppings <&JP> right neat <&JP> Damn cityfolk they thought i'd turn out better if i grew up on a farm :| but the city is better <&JP> So nothing gave you a race, so roll for heritage. This is the last roll that we discard the highest #roll 2[1d6] heritage -Notice- -RPGServ/#indie_ooc- <&JP> Macto: Short stocky humans that live short, Arks-kin, the brawn. Gain +1 Push and the Means: Macto Brawn. <&JP> That is one of the two human races what's arks-kin mean <&JP> Probably sent out to work the fields on a farm to build up that macto brawn <&JP> Arks is the dwarven race ahh <&JP> Macto are related to them from the time before tiem neat ok so now i do experiences just 1 d6 <&JP> Ok, so we switch to normal d6 die rolls for Experiences. Basically we roll to see what happened in the adventurers early career <&JP> right #roll 1d6 exp1 -Notice- -RPGServ/#indie_ooc- #roll 1d6 exp2 -Notice- -RPGServ/#indie_ooc- #roll 1d6 exp3 -Notice- -RPGServ/#indie_ooc- <&JP> Nice, finally an adventurer that didn't get enslaved! <&JP> I think :P haha mentor, 2 failed pursuits <&JP> Two failed pursuits, and a mentor <&JP> If we go in that order <&JP> Which makes sense yeah otherwise my mentor was shitty <&JP> Because like, after failing twice they were like: Fuck, I need to get schooled! that's probably why i went back to the city <&JP> Ok, lets see about that first failed Pursuit, another roll! #roll 1d6 failure 1 -Notice- -RPGServ/#indie_ooc- #roll 1d6 failure 1 result -Notice- -RPGServ/#indie_ooc- <&JP> You heard about and tried to chase down a legend from the second age of Laurus. Roll a die. ahaha majorly bad <&JP> This is where, as a narrator, I'd fill in details about the pursuit <&JP> Major Misfortunes are really, really bad, look at the table <&JP> You may want to pay the Gold to reduce it to Minor <&JP> :) pfft <&JP> All your abilities are +1 though, nice <&JP> The school of hard knocks no way, i'm going to be horribly scarred by my past let's see how <&JP> ok, so lets roll that major misfortune #roll 1d6 oh shit -Notice- -RPGServ/#indie_ooc- <&JP> The gimp i used to be an adventurer like you, until i took an arrow to the knee :/ <&JP> right <&JP> This is only the first pursuit too, they went back out! <&JP> :) <&JP> Tenacious haha ok let's do it #roll 1d6 pursuit 2 -Notice- -RPGServ/#indie_ooc- <&JP> woah <&JP> nice roll <&JP> You and others attempted to recover a horde of treasure on the skirts of the Badlands. However things didn't go as planned and a Devil fought you all back. You escaped, but were Touched in the process spooky <&JP> Roll for Touched and then Uncommon Means #roll 1d6 touched -Notice- -RPGServ/#indie_ooc- #roll 1d6 Uncommon Means -Notice- -RPGServ/#indie_ooc- <&JP> lol, <&JP> You have been doomed by the Glorious First Sun. From now on you must draw Shadow Aura if you have a choice, or pay 1 Gold to choose another. DX D: <&JP> but you gained a Spirit Guide what's a shadow aura <&JP> Aura cards are how your destiny unfolds in play <&JP> You get Shadow, Protean, and Brilliance <&JP> Shadow is bad in the immediate sense, but provides more benefit in the long run. also, how hard is it to get Gold haha shadow definitely fits the character then <&JP> Brilliance is good in the immediate sense, but provides little benefit in the long run. <&JP> Protean aligns with whichever you have more of <&JP> :) <&JP> Gold comes quick and goes quick <&JP> Its the currency of play <&JP> Meta-currency so i don't need to hoard gold in case of emergencies <&JP> right <&JP> Basically the primary use of Gold is to buy Aura cards <&JP> When the game lets you <&JP> You have a higher price for ones that aren't Shadow :) <&JP> Ok, the second pursuit actually went better <&JP> I mean, you were DOOMED <&JP> but, <&JP> you gained a Spirit Guide, which is nice yeah, that's cool <&JP> There are no gods in Laurus <&JP> Just spirits in everything, and the three suns <&JP> Its very animistic neat <&JP> Finally we need to see about this mentor <&JP> another roll! #roll 1d6 Mentor -Notice- -RPGServ/#indie_ooc- <&JP> Leader! <&JP> That fits snugly <&JP> You are taken under the wing of an established leader (roll an Allegiance for them). Take the impression “Radiates the Natural Charisma of a Leader” or create something similar in your own particular idiom. Roll on the Failed Pursuit table for the results of your first (second, or third) time leading a party. <&JP> You get another pursuit too, lol <&JP> for after you became a leader <&JP> :P <&JP> First lets see who the leader was a part of, roll the die for allegiance lol #roll 1d6 Leader's allegiance -Notice- -RPGServ/#indie_ooc- <&JP> Some Mighty Guild <&JP> Well lets see <&JP> Its likely magical <&JP> Given your spirit guide and that you are DOOMED <&JP> Also your lost limb <&JP> So likely The Rex Sano guild, which focuses on magical restoration <&JP> I just made that up <&JP> I need to have a list of powerful group for each category on the world part of the site :P <&JP> Ok, so a roll for your third failed pursuit! I imagine my spirit guide being helpful and telling me how to do stuff, and me being all grim and grouchy and telling it to stop pestering me all the time. <&JP> haha <&JP> sure <&JP> I can see that ok another pursuit lol #roll 1d6 leadery failed pursuit -Notice- -RPGServ/#indie_ooc- <&JP> 1st age myth <&JP> This person never learns <&JP> Pay the gold for a minor misfortune? <&JP> :P <&JP> Well, roll first anyway <&JP> Lets see how bad it went it was a myth about a legendary um arm replacement <&JP> Roll low #roll 1d6 how bad did it suck -Notice- -RPGServ/#indie_ooc- <&JP> bad <&JP> it sucked real bad ahah <&JP> pay the two gold for a minor misfortune? :) i think one major is enough for poor lefty mc scrappypants <&JP> right <&JP> They only have one arm left! ok #roll 1d6 minor misfortune -2 gold -Notice- -RPGServ/#indie_ooc- <&JP> haha <&JP> You were publicly humiliated because of a glaring mistake or possibly a setup. Describe that in some detail as a Story point. Gain the Fault: Social Anxiety or another of your making, +1 Ip, and 2 Gold. <&JP> You gained back 2 Gold :P man, my rival in the guild set me up for that BS myth. I should have known there was no such thing as penis enhancing gloves :/ <&JP> lol <&JP> Now besides the fact they we skipped over a bit of detail, that is it <&JP> You can buy Electives (not done yet) and have to Audit the adventurer before we play, but that is it <&JP> :) that was fun <&JP> Yea, I think the tables work well <&JP> They also answer a big question for me in regards to D&D <&JP> You have to be pretty fucked up to choose to adventure <&JP> :P there's enough inspiration in them to give you story ideas for the character and they work together enough to not be jarring <&JP> Right, and not too many nice ones <&JP> I want some darkness to the world <&JP> Mostly from the adventurers themselves <&JP> takes the burden off the Narrator :P works well i think <&JP> For the adventurer Lx and I made up yesterday, we grew up together, were enslaved together, until I betrayed him and sold him to another slaver for my freedom. <&JP> Then I went out into the world and got fucked up <&JP> :) haha nice <&JP> I think his adventurer had the better run of it :P <&JP> The only thing that worries me about this system is how large it got <&JP> The binding is supposed to be replaced by a GM for another world of their making <&JP> Look at how big that page is :) i think it's still pretty fast to run through well <&JP> Right, it works well if a GM wants to build another world, they will likely be the sort to put in that kind of effort <&JP> Its just big and sprawling »» &JP looks for Mike because that's world building in itself <&JP> :P good plan <&JP> That is a good point, re: GM investment i kind of see it as a good starting point to building a world these are the kinds of things that happen in it <&JP> right, you get to pick and create a flavor <&JP> The type of chart and what is on it says a lot about the world itself and if they wanted to they could be like 1-2 = this thing 3-4 = that thing instead of having all 6 »» &JP nods though i suppose they are limited to 6 by the die <&JP> Though that is a cop out, in my opinion, since you want the system to be reuseable with easily creating the same adventurer :) <&JP> You just use more charts <&JP> I'm doing that with Exploits and Encounters oh if you roll 6, roll again on chart 2 <&JP> Which aren't in there yet or something? <&JP> They are based on where you grew up and were named neat <&JP> So you have six exploit charts, and six named charts <&JP> *encounter <&JP> You get the idea <&JP> Once I do that and fill in some details, the binding will be all done <&JP> *whew* <&JP> When you say its fast, its only three rolls (maybe one for race) and then three more. Though they explode to create details, as you have seen. <&JP> Its meant to be fast, in case you need a replacement adventurer <&JP> :P lots of death? <&JP> I should eventually make a php driven site that just generates them with a click. Easy to do, just time consuming. <&JP> Well <&JP> Yes <&JP> However, there is a thing about that <&JP> I don't mind death in D&D, but I hate how its handled <&JP> Adventurer death here has two stipulations: You always see it coming, and it has meaning in the story. that would be neat. it would need a back end to change the bindings though <&JP> It only happens when you meet destiny, meaning you have drawn your six Aura card. <&JP> And given a hand full of Shadow cards, you know its coming »» &JP looks at the fact that Char's adventurer is DOOMED <&JP> :) so if drawing aura cards means i'm going to die why would i draw aura cards wouldn't i just stop at number 5 <&JP> There are things that force you to draw <&JP> For instance, suffering harm <&JP> You can also pad and buy the Brilliance cards when able <&JP> Even if they cost more for your adventurer <&JP> Having enough Gold when you have a Shadow destiny encounter around to pay is nice too <&JP> Its hard to be specific at this point without having given the play rules a good run down <&JP> Its actually a pretty light and loose system hmmm well i'm interested to play :) <&JP> Cool we are going to go try out that bbq place now :) <&JP> I'll be looking to run it whenever I am able and people are around, since its my goto game as Karbon gets rebuilt into something more workable <&JP> nice <&JP> My family and I are going out to a USDA prime steakhouse later today <&JP> I've never had any, so it should be interesting <&JP> Expensive, but interesting <&JP> Well enjoy! Thanks for helping me test, I appreciate it. »» leli is now known as zahara it was delicious :D prime steak yum «--- Mese (Myre@MagicStar-D6800385.range86-134.btcentralplus.com) has Quit (Disintegrated: ) <&JP> I felt the prime steak was boring <&JP> I feel much the same about Filet Mignon <&JP> The best steak I've had is still the dry aged ribeye ahh too bad <&JP> Drinks were really good though <&JP> now I'm onto the bourbon :) haha excellent my favorite steak is prime rib <&JP> nice choice preferably aged <&JP> mmmhmmm <&JP> :) so how about we do like a prelude for my dude that won't require anyone else there are plenty of shitty life moments to play through and we can test the system <&JP> I have to leave again in a few minutes, or I would <&JP> We'll have to hold on that for a bit ok :) <&JP> Actually this works ok because we really need a wiki template for characters before we start <&JP> I mean, that will help a ton ^.^