===== Basic Info ===== Name: \\ Type: \\ Sex: \\ Age: \\ Destiny ===== Attributes ===== * Physical Strength (PS) * Dexterity (DX) * Constitution (CN) * Intelligence (IN) * Mental Strength (MS) * Charisma (CH) ===== Mutations ===== * ===== Background ===== * ===== Gear ===== * ===== Picture ===== {{insert pic here}} ==== Lifepath ==== > What sort of beings were the character’s parents or creators? > Where was the character born or created? > Was the character born with mutations? > Where was the character raised? > Who taught the character what they know? > What beliefs was the character taught? > What did the character learn in order to survive? > Did the character have any good or bad experiences with any cryptic alliances? > Has the character ever visited any ancient ruins? > Has the character actually ever fought anybody, and if so, how did that end?