The shattered moon in the night sky: {{}} ---- The first place The Show arrived at in the Peninsula was Alalit, having crossed the Running River (below) to enter the Peninsula proper: [[Alalit Sights]] {{}} Hoff and Elkir would later hunt a bit back on the other side of the river while The Show was kept there because of the black bog burping. ---- After Alalit and Horse Bay, The Show made it's way down the road towards Grubport, noticing a flying vehicle in the air over the sea: {{}} This ancient dragonthopter turned out to belong to a suspected archivist: {{}} They travelled all night, and in the morning there were strange trees: {{}} There were some small ruins along the way, from which an island was spotted, far off: {{}} And inland, an ancient power pylon, which the Grubporters call "Raymount" (here are other such [[pylons]] that the folk of The Show have seen back in the Central Lands): {{}} Eventually they arrived in Grubport: {{}}