====== D&D Refined Stuff ====== ===== Armor ===== Armor is important for character survival. ^Armor ^Armor Class (AC) ^Damage Resistance (DR)^cost^Armor Penalty^ |No Armor | 0| 0| 0| 0| |Gauntlets, Leather|0|+1*|2|-1| |Gauntlets, Chain |0|+2*|5|-2| |Gauntlets, Plate |0|+4*|10|-4| |Shield |+1| 0|10|-1| |Shield, Large|+2| 0|40|-2| |Helmet, Leather|+1|+1*|5| 0| |Helmet, Cap |+1|+4*|15| 0| |Helmet, Full |+2|+5*|40|-4| |Helmet, Visored|+2|+5*|50|-4| |Padded | 0|+1|20| 0| |Leather |+1|+1|35| 0| |Hide |+2|+1|40|-2| |Ring Mail |+1|+2|50|-1| |Hard Leather |+3| 0|55|-3| |Chain Shirt |+2|+1|60|-1| |Scale Mail |+2|+2|65|-2| |Chain Mail |+3|+2|80|-3| |Brigandine |+2|+3|90|-4| |Lamellar |+3|+3|100|-5| |Splint |+4|+3|110|-6| |Banded |+3|+4|150|-4| |Lorica |+4|+4|200|-5| |Plate Mail |+5|+4|300|-6| |Field Plate |+4|+5|600|-5| |Full Plate |+5|+6|1500|-6| * Gauntlet and Helm DR doesn't add to overall DR for a suit of armor (while AC does stack), but is the DR used if damage clearly is occuring only to the hands or head respectively. ==== Armor Penalty ==== This penalty is to things that armor might make difficult, such as sneaking about, climbing, endurance checks etc, for most suits of armor (and stacking with the penalty for shields). In these cases, the penalty counts double for swimming. The penalty for a visored or full helm, on the other hand, is more to do with perception while the visor is down. With the visor up, it protects as a normal helmet. A full helm must be taken off to remove the penalty. The penalty for gauntlets is for doing things that require fine motor skills. ===== Weapons ===== Adventurers often find themselves regretably needing to fight. Below are the tools for the job. ==== Melee Weapons ==== ^Weapon^Cost^To Hit Mod^Dmg Mod^Range Increment^Weight(1)^Type(2)^ |**Unarmed Attacks**||||||| |Gauntlet | 2 gp| 0|-3| —| 1 lb.|Bludgeoning| |Unarmed strike |— | 0|-5| —| —|Bludgeoning| |**One-Handed Melee Weapons**||||||| |Gauntlet, spiked | 5 gp|+1| 0| —| 1 lb.|Piercing, Also cestus| |Dagger | 2 gp|+1| 0|10 ft.| 1 lb.|Piercing or slashing| |Dagger, punching | 2 gp|+2| 0| —| 1 lb.|Piercing| |Kukri | 8 gp|+2| 0| —| 2 lb.|Slashing| |Longsword |15 gp|+1|+2| —| 4 lb.|Slashing| |Scimitar |15 gp|+2|+1| —| 4 lb.|Slashing| |Sword, bastard |35 gp|+1|+3| —| 6 lb.|Slashing| |Sickle | 6 gp| 0|+1| —| 2 lb.|Slashing| |Axe, throwing | 8 gp| 0|+1|10 ft.| 2 lb.|Slashing| |Handaxe | 6 gp|+1|+1| —| 3 lb.|Slashing| |Battleaxe |10 gp|+1|+2| —| 6 lb.|Slashing| |Waraxe, dwarven |30 gp| 0|+4| —| 8 lb.|Slashing| |Whip(3) | 1 gp| 0|-2| —| 2 lb.|Slashing and Entangling| |Club |— | 0|+1|10 ft.| 3 lb.|Bludgeoning| |Hammer, light | 1 gp|+1| 0|20 ft.| 2 lb.|Bludgeoning| |Mace, light | 5 gp|+2|+1| —| 4 lb.|Bludgeoning| |Mace, heavy |12 gp|+1|+3| —| 8 lb.|Bludgeoning| |Morningstar | 8 gp| 0|+2| —| 6 lb.|Bludgeoning and piercing| |Flail | 8 gp| 0|+2| —| 5 lb.|Bludgeoning, +1 AC| |Warhammer |12 gp|+1|+2| —| 5 lb.|Bludgeoning| |Flail, heavy |15 gp| 0|+3| —|10 lb.|Bludgeoning, +1 AC, Also Mace & Chain| |Sap | 1 gp| 0|+1| —| 2 lb.|Bludgeoning| |Shield, light |10 gp|-1|-1| —|special|Bludgeoning| |Spiked shield, lt. |50 gp|-1| 0| —|special|Piercing| |Shield, heavy |40 gp|-1| 0| —|special|Bludgeoning| |Spiked shield, hvy.|80 gp|-1|+1| —|special|Piercing| |Spiked armor |50 gp| -|+1| —|special|Piercing| |Sword, short |10 gp| 0|+1| —| 2 lb.|Piercing or Slashing| |Shortspear | 1 gp| 0|+1|20 ft.| 3 lb.|Piercing| |Pick, light | 4 gp|+1| 0| —| 3 lb.|Piercing| |Pick, heavy | 8 gp| 0|+1| —| 6 lb.|Piercing| |Rapier |20 gp|+2|+1| —| 2 lb.|Piercing| |**Two-Handed Melee Weapons**||||||| |Falchion |75 gp|+1|+3| —| 8 lb.|Slashing| |Greataxe |20 gp| 0|+5| —|12 lb.|Slashing| |Greatsword |50 gp|+1|+4| —| 8 lb.|Slashing| |Greatclub | 5 gp| 0|+4| —| 8 lb.|Bludgeoning| |Quarterstaff(4) | —|+1|+2| —| 4 lb.|Bludgeoning| |Flail, dire(4) |90 gp|+1|+2| —|10 lb.|Bludgeoning| |Axe, orc double(4) |60 gp|+1|+2| —|15 lb.|Slashing| |Sword, two-blade(4)|100 gp|0|+2| —|10 lb.|Slashing| |Chain, spiked(3) |25 gp| 0|+3| —|10 lb.|Piercing, +1 AC| |**Polemarms**||||||| |Spear | 2 gp| 0|+2|20 ft.| 6 lb.|Piercing| |Guisarme(3) | 9 gp|+2|+2| —|12 lb.|Slashing| |Glaive(3) | 8 gp| 0|+4| —|10 lb.|Slashing| |Longspear(3) | 5 gp|+1|+2| —| 9 lb.|Piercing| |Halberd |10 gp| 0|+4| —|12 lb.|Piercing or slashing| |Lance(3) |10 gp| 0|+2| —|10 lb.|Piercing| |Ranseur(3) |10 gp| 0|+3| —|12 lb.|Piercing| |Trident |15 gp|+1|+2|10 ft.| 4 lb.|Piercing| |Scythe |18 gp| 0|+3| —|10 lb.|Piercing or slashing| ==== Ranged Weapons ==== ^Weapon^Cost^To Hit Mod^Dmg Mod^Range Increment^Weight(1)^Type(2)^ |Longbow |75 gp| 0|+2|100 ft.| 3 lb.|Piercing| |Longbow, composite |100 gp|0|+2|110 ft.| 3 lb.|Piercing| |Shortbow |30 gp| 0|+1|60 ft.| 2 lb.|Piercing| |Shortbow, composite|75 gp| 0|+1|70 ft.| 2 lb.|Piercing| |20 Arrows | 1 gp| —| —| —| 3 lb.| —| |20 Arrows, broad | 1 gp|-1|+1| —| 3 lb.| —| |Crossbow, heavy |50 gp|+1|+4|120 ft.|8 lb.|Piercing| |Crossbow, light |35 gp| 0|+2|80 ft.| 4 lb.|Piercing| |Crossbow, hand |100 gp|0| 0|30 ft.| 2 lb.|Piercing| |10 Bolts | 1 gp| —| —| —| 1 lb.| —| |Dart | 5 sp| 0| 0|20 ft.| ½ lb.|Piercing| |Javelin | 1 gp| 0|+1|30 ft.| 2 lb.|Piercing, Melee at -4 to hit| |Sling | —| 0| 0|50 ft.| 0 lb.|Bludgeoning| |10 Bullets, sling | 1 sp| —| —| —| 5 lb.| —| |Net |20 gp| —| —|10 ft.| 6 lb.|Entangling| |5 Throwing Stars | 1 gp| 0|-3|10 ft.| ½ lb.|Piercing| - Weight figures are for Medium weapons. A Small weapon weighs half as much, and a Large weapon weighs twice as much. - When two types are given, the weapon is both types if the entry specifies "and," or either type (player’s choice at time of attack) if the entry specifies "or." - Reach weapon. - Double weapon.