Name: Devlin Sandusky Sex: Female Description: Curvy young woman, blonde hair. Suspicious eyes. Game: [[:dark_conspiracy]] ===== Attributes ===== * Str: 4 * Int: 6 * Agl: 6 * Con: 4 * Edu: 2 * Cha: 2 * Emp: 6 ===== Careers ===== * Background: Corporate Childhood * Trained Alien Neuropath x 5 ===== Passion Dices ===== * Ice Cream 4/5 * To Be a Real Girl 5 ===== Sanity ===== * Violence 1 * Isolation 8 * Helpless 9 * Unnatural 9 * Self 5 ===== Skills ===== * Acrobatics 5 * Astral Projection 4 * Computer Operation 2 * Dimension Walk 4 * Dissolution 5 * Electronics 5 * Foreboding 10 * Human Empathy 5 * Machine Empathy 10 * Observation 5 * Stealth 5 * Willpower 5 ===== Contacts ===== * Her * Him ===== Assets ===== * A pendant of some sort, +1 Emp. * knowledge of Vishanti's operations 4 ===== Hindrances ===== * Disliked by Richard 1 * Heart Broken 3 * Weirded Out 1 * Fear of Dimension Walk 2 * Skewered 1