==== "Snapshot" ==== Code-name of the closest thing to a leader the underground had, she now left the underground for some reason, recommending to the Underground that Leo be put in charge in her absence. Clearly a medical professional (likely a doctor), she is also pretty talented with her submachine guns. Retired from the underground. {{https://i.pinimg.com/564x/b5/52/54/b55254e04f55822d43cc99ac71e158da.jpg?300}} ==== "Beta Three" ==== Code-name of a member who seems to specialize in security, possessed of an arm of alien manufacture. He revealed to Mai that he's a member of an organization named Delta Seven, who he claims have an extra-dimensional base. {{https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/bc/30/ed/bc30edc35ffe642942c9a5f3dd2af057.jpg?300}} ==== "Benny" ==== Code-name of a psion member who approached Mai to train her. Empathic Abilities: Human Empathy (including Telepathy), Dimension Walk (including Teleportation), Mind Shield {{https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/64/6e/f6/646ef6242ad886b8d7a729d5693dea6f.jpg?300}} ==== Doreen ==== Code-named "Veronica," Doreen is an elderly mystic who approached Mai after Benny, and introduced everyone to the underground. As of late, Doreen has been pretty fatigued (in part as a result of a few problematic attempts to empathically heal some people) and she's showing her age. Empathic Abilities: Dimension Walk, Human Empathy, Mystic Healing {{http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Put3bFTLtHA/TzwGNO3mthI/AAAAAAAAGO4/zsPbtsiXzwc/s1600/Joe%2BA.jpg?300}} ==== "Axe" ==== Code-name of a burly shotgun-toting biker member. Axe likes to take trophies, including an ogre that he had to shoot with his shotgun many times to bring down; it is kept in an old sensory deprivation tank filled with preservative. {{https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/ae/5b/e9/ae5be901843e5119071c32266793f4f2.jpg?300}} Axe's favorite toy: {{https://i.pinimg.com/564x/8b/3e/b9/8b3eb9e5d309ecfd7dfaa306caa0d49a.jpg?300}} ==== "Darcy" ==== Axe's daughter, cyborg escapee, and freelance freedom fighter (depicted as first seen, all shot up). Leo lead her to the underground, which Axe had been keeping a secret from her. Her relationship with her father is strained, as Axe is far from comfortable with her being a member of the Underground. That said, she's probably easily the most potent of the Underground members in a fight due to her numerous enhancements. As Leo first saw her: {{https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/0f/e7/29/0fe729adc3b8c241b1d1a3c53564ceda.jpg?300}} Cleaned up back at the base: {{https://i.pinimg.com/564x/3e/9f/65/3e9f65931e851dfc0c9ee7cf6a66a7e4.jpg?250}} ==== "Loris" ==== Code-name of an Asian male member who was nearly killed by the long-armed monster (later determined to have been a "Morrigan," possibly the same one that Ariel Tanaka tried to summon at the industrial park showdown) that hitched a ride under the van to the base. Involved with Faith, now disenchanted with the underground since Leo killed Faith. {{http://www.asianjunkie.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/LeeJinWook.jpg?300}} ==== Dr. Pahail Farouk ==== Code-named "Faith", a formerly missing empathic member who was co-opted by the "Bog God" of Volo marsh, and now has a "repaired" personality where she thinks she's a fae queen. Loris has a powerful relationship with Faith. Empathic Abilities: Project Emotion, Telekinesis {{https://i.pinimg.com/236x/3e/70/d6/3e70d6ce9a5f8b8d6b953f743ee78e39.jpg?300}} ==== "Felix" ==== A small anglo guy with an officious manner who usually keeps quiet and isn't often seen at the base. {{http://www.currentdirections.com/software/physicalinventory/images/2435APP1-GuyHoldingHandHeld-small.jpg?300}} ==== "Panix" ==== Code-name of a sorceress "affiliate" of the underground. Former member of the Order of the White Circle, and now a member of yet another order. {{https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/5c/c2/b9/5cc2b9a134397928385cf0831e167f46.jpg?300}} ==== "X" ==== The "Grey" alien that the underground has retrieved from the Union Memorial Cemetery near the Craft bar. {{https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/fe/df/1a/fedf1a34b3dce549aab8bb4b6907a1be.jpg?300}} ==== Delphine ==== Owner of Delphine's books, and a talented sorceress. Like Panix, not technically a member of the underground, but one who is becoming more and more sympathetic. Involved in a burgeoning relationship with Ezra. {{https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/61/01/fd/6101fd208406818db3ab62da18467314.jpg?300}} ==== "Professor" ==== Code-name of a member who seems to be missing or on sabbatical, who apparently had an interest in some aspect of dimension walking. {{https://i.pinimg.com/564x/20/a9/6d/20a96dc7b9196c7a7ea25c6b733ebb15.jpg?300}} ---- ==== The Van ==== An important member of the team. Got very beat up over time. {{https://i.pinimg.com/564x/c6/e4/a9/c6e4a924897f5fcfdcabd3451e437efe.jpg?300}} Replacement van stolen by Ezra when it was filled with dead dogs in plastic bags. Blown up destroying the mega-fauth in the South Deering Marsh. Blowed up in the South Deering marsh dimension. {{https://i.pinimg.com/564x/9d/85/fe/9d85fec2fd501b959f656b86a2f1b14f.jpg?300}}