Name: Madrin Sex: Male Description: TysonCorp troubleshooter. ===== Attributes ===== (potential +2 points) * Str: 4 * Int: 4 * Agi: 3 * Con: 6 * Edu: 2 * Cha: 4 * Emp: 5 ===== Phases ===== * I. 4H. Poultry prize. Tyson hires him. * II. Tyson neural net identifies him as the sexer with the lowest false positive rate. Pattern recognition savant?. * III. Management material. Madrin is still the guy in the training films after all these years. * IV. Troubleshooter at large. Travels the Tyson area in a Tyson truck. Eats for free at the truckstops. ===== Hardenings ===== * Violence 5 * Isolation 5 * Helpless 1 * Unnatural 2 * Self 2 * ===== Passions ===== * Order 5 * Friends 5 ===== Hinderances ===== * ===== Skills ===== * 45 points * Act/Bluff 2 (II. "everything's normal"; III. coprorate presence * Animal Empathy 2 (I. 4H; II. m/f? * Bargain 2 (I. Swap you that rifle for a car * Engineer 2 (I. voc ed; * Human Empathy 6 (I. country death chants) * Instruction 4 (III follow after me) * Interrogation 3 (IV. Hiring managers) * Mechanic 2 (I. shop; * Observation 8 (II. patt. recog.; III. king sexer) * Psychology 3(III. * Tracking 2 (I. deer season; * Vehicle 3 (II. first car * Willpower 6 (II. so bored...; III. I can do it) ===== Gear ===== * company truck 5 * company tools 5 * copious tractor-printed paper files 5 ===== Contacts ===== * Tim Sinclair, manager at the Alton Hotel. * Plant Managers * Truck Stop attendants * Other Tyson sexers