====== Characters ====== A pair of characters for Daumantas' Labyrinth Lord game. ===== Mike's Character ===== {{http://nothlands.wikispaces.com/file/view/Fharlanghn.gif/213471504/Fharlanghn.gif}} Name: Lifindil Farwalker\\ Class: Cleric\\ Deity: Fharlanghn\\ Alignment: Neutral\\ Race: Half-Elf\\ Sex: Male\\ Age: 544\\ Level: 1\\ EXP: 263\\ ==== Attributes ==== * Str 13 (+1 to Hit, Damage and Forcing Doors) * Dex 15 (AC mod -1 MAM +1, OIM +1) * Con 14 (HP mod per hit die +1) * Int 5 (Unable to read or write) * Wis 16 (+2 to save, +2 First and Second Level spells, +10% EXP) * Cha 13 (-1 Reaction, 5 Retainers, 8 Morale) HP: 5/5\\ AC: 4 Secondary Skill: Huntsman ==== Saving Throws ==== ^Save Type ^ Save Value^ |Breath Attacks|16| |Poison or Death|11| |Petrify or Paralyze|14| |Wands|12| |Spells/Spell-like Devices|15| ==== Spells Memorized ==== * Cure Light Wounds * Detect Evil * Resist Cold ==== Stuff ==== * Scale Mail * Shield * Mace * Backpack * Holy Symbol, Wooden * 4 Days Rations, preserved * Waterskin * 8 Torches * Flint and Steel * Bottle of Mead * 5 GP * 5 SP * 300 CP ===== Charles' Character ===== {{http://www.theschoolforheroes.com/SfHArt/classes/wizard_sb_symbol.gif}} Name: Phantasmo the Exalted\\ Class: Magic User\\ Alignment: Neutral \\ Race: Human\\ Sex: Male\\ Age: 35\\ Level: 1\\ EXP: 263\\ ==== Attributes ==== * Str 10 * Dex 14 (AC mod -1 MAM +1, OIM +1) * Con 15 (HP mod per hit die +1) * Int 17 (Able to read and write, +2 languages , 85% spell learning chance, 7 min spells/level, unlimited max spells/level, +10% EXP) * Wis 10 * Cha 9 (4 retainers, retainer morale 7) HP: 3/3\\ AC: 9 Secondary Skill: Farming ==== Saving Throws ==== ^Save Type ^ Save Value^ |Breath Attacks|16| |Poison or Death|13| |Petrify or Paralyze|13| |Wands|13| |Spells/Spell-like Devices|14| ==== Spells ==== === Known === Level 1 spells: Sleep, charm person, read magic Level 2 spells: Rope trick === Memorized === Level 1 spells: Sleep ==== Stuff ==== * 20 darts * Spellbook * Backpack * Flint and steel * Ink * 12 iron spikes * Torches (8) * Hammer * Chain (10 ft.) * Bedroll * Silk rope * Waterskin * 10 days trail rations * 5 sheets parchment * Small steel mirror * Lantern * 3 pints of oil * 2 scroll cases * 2 sheets paper * Sack (for carrying various dungeoneering gear) * 71 gp ====== Retainers ====== ^Name ^Type ^Race ^HP ^Sex ^Weapon ^Armor ^Alignment ^Background ^Possessions & Knowledge ^Notable Features^ |Rhoca |Man-at-Arms |Human |2 |F |Longsword, Dagger |Chainmail & Shield |Neutral |Crofter |Nothing |None| |Vog |Man-at-Arms |Human |5 |M |Light Crossbow, Dagger |Chainmail & Shield |Neutral |Failed Temple Acolyte |Fine fighting axe (+1 to Hit) |None| |Sundarr |Man-at-Arms |Human |3 |M |Spear, Dagger |Leather & Shield |Chaos |Vendetta: Kill all Orcs! |History of local elven kingdom |None|