====== Duo-Kings Pantheon ====== The name of the Duo-Kings Pantheon refers to the main gods of the pantheon, the dualistic gods of Chaos and Justice. The pantheon itself is very complex, having many other minor gods, all of whom are assumed to be very subservient to the Duo-Kings. There are also a bewildering array of holy men, prophets and half-gods, both living and legend. Vast holy libraries hold numerous tomes and scrolls explaining the nature of the universe as seen by the worshippers. There are priests of all of the gods and godesses of the pantheon, but those of the Duo-Kings hold supremacy. Though somewhat dominated by men, the Duo-Kings accept both women and men into the priesthood. The priests themselves are very introspective, focusing on their inner-lives as dictated by the Kings to the extent that they are given powers over their own bodies and minds. They use these powers, in turn, to ensure that the people follow their dictates. The priests are also the source of jurisprudence in the culture, though those going to them for justice risk instead getting the judgement of the Mad God instead. As such, few who are not well connected get what they want out of this justice system. The lower classes resent this control, but feel they can do little to resist the power of the Kings' Priesthood.