====== The Pipes of Pipeworks ====== This is the interactive, developmental part of the [[:gaslight]] wiki. Things under here can be read and written by the [[gaslight:client]] and these pages exist as a user space to allow active, easy development of the system. Here are the areas under this section that are in development. ===== Directories ===== Each of these are directories into lists of page resources for the client. * [[gaslight:pipes:skins]]. Skins (think themes) for panes inside the client. * [[gaslight:pipes:science]]. Science rules and systems for the client. * [[gaslight:pipes:records]]. Records are logs of games being played in the clients. * [[gaslight:pipes:fixtures]]. Fixtures are things that extend the utility of the client, like modules. ===== Master Index ===== This is a master index of all pipes contents, used by the client to load an index. * [[gaslight:pipes:index]]