{{https://i.pinimg.com/564x/31/ae/e7/31aee7ec1e9bb29bb1ec11f2f0d8e5d7.jpg}} ^ ^^^Dice^^^ ^Favorite Use^Marks^**Skills**^Marks^Species^Career^ |Ancient Texts|1|Academics|d4| |d8| | | |Brawling | | | | | | |Climbing*| | | | | | |Craft| | | | | | |Deceit| | | | | | |Digging| | | | | |2|Dodge*|d6| | | | | |Endurance*| | | | | | |Gossip| | | | | |1|Inquiry|d4| | | | | |Jumping*| | | | | | |Leadership| | | | | | |Melee Combat| | | | | |1|Negotiation|d4| | | |From the Air|2|Observation |d6| | | | | |Presence| | |d8| | |3|Ranged Combat|d8| | | | | |Riding| | | | | | |Searching| | | | | | |Stealth*| | | | | |1|Supernatural|d4|d6|d8| | | |Swimming*| |d6| | | | |Tactics| | | | | |1|Throwing|d4| | | | | |Vehicles| | | | |Pranks |2|Weather Sense|d4|d8| | (Marks:One=d4,Two=d6,Three=d8,Four=d10,Five=d12,Six=d12,d4,etc.) * Encumbered skill (affected by encumbrance) ^Gifts^Effect^Page^ X ^Refresh?^ |Personality: Earnest|X for bonus d12|66| |Respite| |Language: Calabrese|Speak common|55|--|--| |Local Knowledge: Triskellian|bonus d12 for local stuff|58|--|--| |Combat Save|X to negate Dying or Dead|63| |Respite| |Flight|Extra action usable for flight; flying Stunts|66| |Battle| |Luck|Get two extra rolls on one die|65| |Chapter| |Prehensile Feet|Use feet as extra hands, extra save vs failed Climb|68|--|--| |Changes Magic Trappings|Start with fate mage gear, exhaust to replace if lost|510¥| |Session| |Oratory|Bonus d12 for public speaking|59|--|--| |Research|Bonus d12 to look things up, full successes for research by rote|76|--|--| |Ambidexterity|All hands are main hands|71|--|--| |Fusileer's Trappings|Start with sniper gear, exhaust to replace if lost|61| |Session| |Way of Changes|Exhaust to ready fate magic spell|510¥| |Battle| |:::|Stunt to Reason/Scare/Taunt/Trick with bonus d12|510¥|--|--| |Blessings of the Changing Way|Assist any action with Supernatural|--|--|--| |:::|Long action to boost a future task|--| |Respite| |New Gift goes here|--|--|--| Money: * Orichalks: (x 1/12Ð) * Denarii: 8 (x 1Ð) * Quincunx: (x 3Ð) * Aureals: (x 24Ð) Experience: 8 / 18 Spend 4 to buy +1 Skill Mark. Spend 10 to buy a new Gift. Gear: Staff, cloth armor, hooded shroud, strange jewelry,\\ pistol x2, fusil, bullet-mold making kit, gun repair kit, bandolier,\\ Daopao robe, Jingang wand, As-One-Wishes rod, counting beads Talisman Notes: * Ambidexterity Gift makes your Prehensile Feet as good as main hands, so Fusil-Feet are go! :-D * Fusileer's Trappings provides a fusil and two pistols. Grenades will probably need to be bought on a per-job basis. [[ironclaw:AlbaLifePath|Alba's LifePath]] Name: Alba {{:ironclaw:188e7becc838a048faa623bc033b2ac89ccd26df.png?400|}} ---- ^Species^Die^ ^Career^Die^ |Albatross|d6| |Seer|d8| ^Detail^Description^ ^Detail^Description^ |Habitat|Shore|:::|Age| | |Senses|Spot|:::|Gender|♀| |Diet|Omnivore|:::|Height| | |Weapons|Beak|:::|Weight| | |:::|Claws|:::|Eyes| | |Cycle|Day|:::|Pelt| | |Distinguishing Characteristics| |||| **Traits** ^Trait^Die^ |Body|d4| |Speed|d8| |Mind|d6| |Will|d6| ---- Personal Motto: You Make Your OWN Luck Goals (up to three) - a - b - Prove that Albatross does not mean bad luck ---- **Battle** Initiative: d8,d6 (Speed & Mind Dice) **Movement** ^Pace^Calc^Speed^ |Stride|1|1| |Dash|½ Max Speed, +1 if Body>Speed|4| |Sprint|Speed die|d8| |Run|Max Body + Max Speed + Dash|16| |Flying Stride|Stride+3|4| |Flying Dash|Dash|4| |Flying Sprint|Speed and Weather Sense|d8,d6,d4| |Flying Run|Max Body + Max Flying Sprint + Flying Dash + 12|38| **Attacks** ^Attack^Dice^Effect^ |Fusil|2d8|Damage +3 Slaying, Spark d10| |Pistol|2d8|Damage +2 Slaying, Spark d10| |Rod|d4|Damage +2, Parry d12| |Wand|d4|Damage +0, Weak, Can't Parry| |Beak|d6,d4|+1 Impaling| |Claws|d6,d4|+1 Critical| **Defense** ^Defense^Calc^Dice^ |Dodge|Speed + Dodge|d8,d6| |Parry|Body + Melee|d4| |Counter|Body + Melee|d4| |Soak|Body|d4| |Armor (cloth)| |d4| **Damage & Other Status** ^Cause^Status^Effects^X^ |any hit|Reeling|penalty d8; no Counters| | |1 hit|Hurt|+1 damage| | |2 hits|Afraid|cannot attack or rally| | |3 hits|Injured|+1 damage| | |4 hits|Dying|get first aid!| | |5 hits|Dead|beyond mortal help| | |6 hits|Overkilled|allies become Afraid| | | |Knockdown|disadvantaged, cant retreat| | | |Burdened|Dash is zero, limit of d8 to Action Skills| | | |Over-Burdened|Burdened, cant run, disadvantaged| | | |Unconscious|helpless| | | |Sick|Reeling causes Knockdown| | Healing Quota: