//Back to [[ironclaw:Ironclaw]]// ====== Gifts ====== ===== Custom ===== ==== Blessings of the Changing Way ==== (Magic, Journeyman, Synecdoche, Changes)\\ Requires: Way of Changes, Changing Way Trappings **Action “Winds of Fortune”** You may assist (p. 112) almost any non-combat action using your Will + Supernatural dice, nudging good luck in your target’s direction. You may even assist in a task you’re not present for, if you have synecdoche (p. 312) with the person undertaking the task. However, this versatile magic is not without risk: if you botch the assist roll, the stroke of misfortune that befalls you and the intended beneficiary is likely to be epic! **X (Respite) Long action (five minutes) “Blessing of Future Joy”** By spending five minutes with an ally in mutual visualization of success to come, you provide them with a temporary shield against ill luck. Describe a task or project the target intends to attempt, in a simple phrase or sentence: “interviewing for a job”, “tunneling into the enemy fort”, “stabbing Vaslov Jakoba”, etc. Once before the end of the session, the subject of this magic may reroll all their dice on a roll pertaining to that task, taking the new result. ===== Physical ===== ^Name^Summary^Book & Page^ |Acrobat|Acrobatic Dash action, stand up faster, Retreat while prone, less fall damage|//Player's Book// 50| |Brawling Fighter|Parry, Threaten, and Counter with Brawling|//Player's Book// 50| |Charging Strike|Move & attack in one action|//Player's Book// 50| |Contortionist|Squeeze into tight spaces, Retreat in place, Break Free with Brawling|//Player's Book// 50| |Coward|Improved movement and Dodge while Afraid, become Afraid as Reaction|//Player's Book// 50| |Fast Climber|Climb without Stunt penalties|//Player's Book// 50| |Fast Jumper|Jump without Stunt penalties|//Player's Book// 51| |Fast Swimmer|Swim without Stunt penalties|//Player's Book// 51| |Frenzy|Become Enraged as a Reaction|//Player's Book// 51| |Giant|Requires Body of d12. You are enormous and have extra reach|//Player's Book// 51| |Hiking|Bonus d12 for travel endurance|//Player's Book// 51| |Keen Ears|Negate highest penalty die on hearing rolls|//Player's Book// 51| |Keen Eyes|Negate highest penalty die on vision rolls|//Player's Book// 51| |Keen Nose|Negate highest penalty die on hearing rolls, bonus d12 on tracking and foraging|//Player's Book// 51| |Legerdemain|Steal items mid-combat or draw concealed weapon without Stunt penalties|//Player's Book// 51| |Melee Finesse|Use Speed instead of Body for melee combat|//Player's Book// 52| |Mounted Fighter|Mount adds your Riding to defenses|//Player's Book// 52| |Night Vision|Treat poor lighting as fair lighting|//Player's Book// 52| |Pacifist|Add d12 to all defenses, exhausts when you hurt someone|//Player's Book// 52| |Parkour|Wall-run as a Stunt|//Player's Book// 52| |Springing Strike|Immediately move away after successful attack|//Player's Book// 53| |Sure-Footed|Ignore bad footing, treat Sprint rolls as Favored|//Player's Book// 53| ===== Mental ===== ^Name^Summary^Book & Page^ |Animal Handling|Use Rally action on animals|//Player's Book// 53| |Artist|Bonus d12 to create or gossip about chosen type of art|//Player's Book// 53| |Clear-Headed|As a Reaction, exhaust to negate or downgrade various mental status|//Player's Book// 54| |Craft Specialty|Bonus d12 for chosen type of Craft|//Player's Book// 54| |Dead Reckoning|Bonus d12 for land navigation|//Player's Book// 54| |Extra Favorite|+1 Mark and additional Favored specialty with chosen Skill|//Player's Book// 54| |First Aid|Bonus d12 and no Stunt penalties for first aid|//Player's Book// 54| |Gambling|Bonus d12 on games of chance and related rolls|//Player's Book// 54| |Geography|Bonus d12 on knowledge rolls about places and populations|//Player's Book// 54| |Heraldry|Bonus d12 to recognize nobility and their flags|//Player's Book// 54| |History|Bonus d12 on knowledge rolls about the past|//Player's Book// 54| |Junk Expert|Pull whatever Cheap item you need from your handy bundle|//Player's Book// 54| |Language|Speak and understand another language|//Player's Book// 55| |Medicine|Bonus d12 for diagnosis and healing|//Player's Book// 55| |Melee Fervor|Use Will instead of Body for melee combat|//Player's Book// 55| |Melee Guile|Use Mind instead of Body for melee combat|//Player's Book// 55| |Mystic of ...|Bonus d12 with chosen style of magic|//Player's Book// 55| |Overconfidence|Bonus d12 by awarding opposition a d12|//Player's Book// 55| |Pack Tactics|Bonus d8 to Tactics if ally also has this Gift, d12 if they're Guarding|//Player's Book// 56| |Piety of ...|Bonus d12 in matters of a chosen religion|//Player's Book// 56| |Sailing|Bonus d12 on rolls involving boats|//Player's Book// 56| |Spelunking|Bonus d12 on rolls involving caves and the underground|//Player's Book// 56| |Teamster|Bonus d12 on rolls involving animal-powered vehicles|//Player's Book// 56| |Tracking|Bonus d12 to follow trails|//Player's Book// 56| |Unshakeable Fighter|Immune to Afraid effect from Overkill|//Player's Book// 56| |Vengeful Fighter|Bonus d12 to Counter-Attack when Hurt, Injured, or Sick|//Player's Book// 56| ===== Social ===== ^Name^Summary^Book & Page^ |Bribery|Bonus d12 when bribing or preparing to bribe|//Player's Book// 57| |Carousing|Bonus d12 in drinky situations|//Player's Book// 57| |Cosmopolitan|Use Culture Skills and Gifts outside your native culture|//Player's Book// 57| |Diplomacy|Bonus d12 for Negotiation rolls spanning a full Scene|//Player's Book// 57| |Disguise|Bonus d12 to appear as someone else or blend into a crowd|//Player's Book// 57| |Etiquette|Bonus d12 in formal high-society functions|//Player's Book// 57| |Fast-Talk|Bonus d12 for sub-Scene-length Negotiations|//Player's Book// 57| |Haggling|Discount on buying, markup when selling, full value Quincunxes, bonus d12 to negotiate sales|//Player's Book// 57| |Honor|Bonus d12 to thwart someone dishonorably interfering with your sworn duty|//Player's Book// 57| |Insider with ...|Bonus d12 with a specific faction or group|//Player's Book// 58| |Law|Bonus d12 for legal matters|//Player's Book// 58| |Legal Authority|Privileges of an officer of the law. Exhaust to push Influence unconditionally|//Player's Book// 58| |Local Knowledge of ...|Bonus d12 on rolls related to a specific region|//Player's Book// 58| |Low Profile|Bonus d12 to blend into crowds|//Player's Book// 59| |Nobility|Membership in a noble family. Bonus d12 when you can pull rank, exhaust to push Influence|//Player's Book// 59| |Oratory|Bonus d12 for public speaking|//Player's Book// 59| |Ordainment in ...|Official clergy of a religion. Bonus d12 on matters of that religion, exhaust to push Influence|//Player's Book// 59| |Performance of ...|Bonus d12 to a chosen style of performance|//Player's Book// 59| |Seduction|Bonus d12 in matters of romance|//Player's Book// 59| |Shadowing|Bonus d12 for following people|//Player's Book// 59| |Survival|Bonus d12 to live off the land|//Player's Book// 60| |Team Player|Grant d12 when helping instead of d8|//Player's Book// 60| |Wealth|Start with Expensive gear, bonus d12 when you can assert your richitude, exhaust to push Influence|//Player's Book// 60| [[Omnibus Alphabetical Gift List]]