//Back to [[ironclaw:Ironclaw]]// ====== Species of Calabria and Beyond ====== * Albatross * //Habitat//: Shore * //Diet//: Omnivore * //Cycle//: Day * //Senses//: Spot * //Weapons//: Beak, Claws * //Include Albatross Dice With//: Supernatural, Swimming, Weather Sense * //Species Gifts//: Flight, Luck (themed as ill luck for opposition rather than good fortune for the albatross), Prehensile Feet * Antelope † * Armadillo * Badger * Bat * Bear * Boar * Camel * * Cat, Common * Cattle * Centipede * * Cheetah * Chicken * * Cobra † * Coyote * Crane * * Crocodile † * Deer * Dhole * Dog, Common * Donkey * Dragon * * Elephant * * Falcon † * Fox, Gray * Fox, Red * Giraffe † * Goat * Gorilla * Hedgehog † * Hippopotamus † * Horse * Hyena * * Ibis † * Jackal * Lemur † * Leopard * * Lion * Lynx * Mongoose † * Monkey * Mouse * Ostrich † * Otter * Owl † * Ox * * Panda * * Pangolin † * Panther * Peafowl * * Porcupine * Qiling * * Rabbit * Raccoon * Rat * Raven * Red Panda * * Rhinoceros * Scorpion * * Seal † * Secretary Bird † * Sheep * * Shrew * Shrike † * Skunk * Snake * * Sparrow * Spider * * Squirrel * Tiger * Toad * * Tortoise * * Viper * * Vole * Vulture † * Water Buffalo † * Weasel * Wildebeest * Wolf * Yak * * Zebra † * Zhuque * *: Found in //Book of Jade//\\ †: Found in //Book of Horn and Ivory// ===== Notes ===== The canonical major political families are majority mono-species, with members of other species either organized in affiliated minor Houses or folded in via adoption. This needn't mean much to a player character, though if you have designs to infiltrate a Great House, being of a matched species makes things just a little easier! The //Avoirdupois// are Horses; the //Bisclavret// and //Phelan// are Wolves; the //Doloreaux// are Boars; and the //Rinaldi// are Foxes. Reptiles, insects, and the supernatural-tinged Jade species (Qiling and Zhuque) are rare in Calabria. We won't be playing out fantasy Orientalism here, but playing one of these species can mean your character goes a long time between meeting anyone new who looks like them, with whatever RP implications that holds for you!