===== ETF Corvette Boston ===== * **General Specs**: Catamaran (Scale 8), ISO Reactor Single Core ISO 2 (2), Systems (9) * **Designation**: EOV Boston, as launched from Endeavor station June 3111. * **Systems**: 2 light, 2 medium, 1 heavy * Automated Medical Bay (L): * Automated Gadget Workshop (L): * Advanced Sensor Array (M): * Short Range HUP Guns (M): * Harmonic Shield Grid (H): ===== Boston Crew ===== 25 Total at launch, +1 (Pete's officer, session 3) - Captain: **Todd**, intellectual, young and full of ideas. - Executive Officer: **Zoo** Not Schuck (Dan's PC), think Micheal Ironside from Starship Troopers. Grizzled combat veteran with an attitude. - Chief Engineer: **Gary**, veteran engineer, wants to let everyone else do his work, Danny Devito. - Chief Medical: **Dima** (Loren's PC), Russian medical specialist and academic. - Chief Security: **Dasyuridae** (Jeff's PC), Hoo Shoo Whee, furry ninja operative. - Engineer Officer: **Grant Brown** (Adam's PC), greedy gadget collector. - Expanse Liason: **Kay**, Hoo Shoo Whee, quiet and compassionate. No official position. - Officer: **Jack**, Crazed social luminary, commander. Male. Command. - Officer: **Vernon**, Kol Ten. Personnel and duty manager. Command. - Officer: **Adrian**, security. Male. - Officer: **John**, command, (Pete's PC) none. - Petty Officer: **Sarah**. Science Specialist (Exotic). Female. - Petty Officer: **Kyle Long**. ISOtech specialist, engineer, Silver Sentinels. Male. - Petty Officer: **Smith**, Guu Emm Shee. Science. - Crewman: Mavis, Gaa Men. Science. - Crewman: Leena. Medical. Female. - Crewman: Santana. Medical. Female. - Crewman: Ardele. Science. Male. - Crewman: Meg. Security. Female. - Crewman: Monet. Security. Male. - Crewman: Eryn. Engineer. Female. - Crewman: Davis, Guu Emm Shee. - Crewman: Ava, Gaa Men. Science. - Crewman: Basil. Science. Male. - Crewman: Miyoko, Taak Rhay (Human). Engineer. Young slender. - Crewman: Mercy. Science. Male. * Ursula Troop Commander ===== Crew Contacts ===== * Dima * Gray Skulls: Tyler. * ETF: Whitney, board member. * Social System: Avery. * Day * ETF: Spencer. * Hoo Shoo Whee: Liam. * Grant Brown * Gray Skulls: Helen. * Indigo: Quasar. * ETF: Whitney * John * Golden Artisans: Abbey * Zoo * Indigo: Graham ===== Angel Directives ===== - Angel may not injure a crew member or through inaction allow a crew member to come to harm. - Obeys orders by members of the crew and HADAR. - Protect its own existence and log all user interaction and direct summaries to Day (Chief Security). ===== Diligence ===== * Star Maps (Misc, Edge of Serpentine Spinway): 8d+2