====== The Whitelist: Armor ====== This is the list of stock Armor gear for [[:Karbon]], part of [[:Karbon:The Whitelist]]. ==Safe Suit== * **Cost**: 3 kcred, 2 steps * **Training**: Fight **Force**: 2 * **Feature(s)**: 1; Step/+2 * **Scope**: Self * This is a business suit on the surface, but is backed by shielding and hardened fibers for protection. When the agent commits to the behavior “moving defensively”, they earn the step bonus to their physical immunity. ==Field Silk== * **Cost**: 10 kcred, 4 steps * **Training**: Fight **Force**: 1 * **Feature(s)**: 1; Step/+2 * **Scope**: Self * **Limitation**: 5+ chance of hitting an unshielded area and losing its effect for that moment in resolution. * This is invisible armor, a thin weave of fibers made to fit the wearer and worn under clothing. When struck it produces a field effect that rebuffs the attack, though it doesn’t protect every inch of the wearer. When the agent commits to the behavior “running and dodging”, they are immune to physical injury (respecting the limitation above) and gains +2 steps in their fight ability. ==Vector Armor== * **Cost**: 21 kcred, 6 steps * **Training**: Fight **Force**: 3 * **Feature(s)**: 1; Step/+3 * **Scope**: Self * This is a powered suit of armor worn by the user. It can’t be hidden, although it isn’t truly large or bulky, adding minimum mass to the wearer. You could imagine it like the suit Ironman wears in the comics, just not as cool. When the agent commits to the behavior “rushing attack” they earn the step bonus to applicable conflicts. In addition, when the agent’s player rolls low (3 or less) in an applicable conflict, they may burn a fortune to roll another die and consider that added to their roll.