===== Standard Equipment ===== These are items that every vendor has available, and which are considered "normal." ==== Weapons ==== ^Unarmed Attacks^Cost^Dmg^Range Increment^Weight^Notes^ |Gauntlet |2 gp |+1 |— |1 lb. |Bludgeoning| |Unarmed strike |0 |0 |— |— |Bludgeoning| ^One-Handed Melee Weapons^Cost^Dmg^Range Increment^Weight^Notes^ |Dagger |2 gp |+2 |10 ft. |1 lb. |Piercing or slashing| |Gauntlet, spiked |5 gp |+2 |— |1 lb. |Piercing| |Mace, light |5 gp |+3 |— |4 lb. |Bludgeoning| |Sickle |6 gp |+3 |— |2 lb. |Slashing| |Club |— |+3 |10 ft. |3 lb. |Bludgeoning| |Mace, heavy |12 gp |+4 |— |8 lb. |Bludgeoning| |Morningstar |8 gp |+4 |— |6 lb. |Bludgeoning and piercing| |Shortspear |1 gp |+3 |20 ft. |3 lb. |Piercing| |Axe, throwing |8 gp |+3 |10 ft. |2 lb. |Slashing| |Hammer, light |1 gp |+2 |20 ft. |2 lb. |Bludgeoning| |Handaxe |6 gp |+2 |— |3 lb. |Slashing| |Pick, light |4 gp |+2 |— |3 lb. |Armor Piercing| |Shield, light |special |+1 |— |special |Bludgeoning| |Spiked armor |special |+2 |— |special |Piercing| |Spiked shield, light |special |+2 |— |special |Piercing| |Sword, short |10 gp |+3 |— |2 lb. |Piercing| |Battleaxe |10 gp |+4 |— |6 lb. |Slashing| |Flail |8 gp |+4 |- |5 lb. |Bludgeoning, +1 Fight vs Shield| |Longsword |15 gp |+4 |— |4 lb. |Slashing| |Pick, heavy |8 gp |+3 |— |6 lb. |Armor Piercing| |Rapier |20 gp |+3 |— |2 lb. |Piercing, +1 Fight| |Scimitar |15 gp |+3 |— |4 lb. |Slashing| |Shield, heavy |special |+2 |— |special |Bludgeoning| |Spiked shield, heavy |special |+3 |— |special |Piercing| |Trident |15 gp |+4 |10 ft. |4 lb. |Piercing| |Warhammer |12 gp |+4 |— |5 lb. |Bludgeoning| |Sword, bastard |35 gp |+5 |— |6 lb. |Slashing -1 to hit| |Waraxe, dwarven |30 gp |+5 |— |8 lb. |Slashing| |Whip |1 gp |+1 |— |2 lb. |Slashing, -1 Damage vs Armor, Entangle| ^Two-Handed Melee Weapons^Cost^Dmg^Range Increment^Weight^Notes^ |Longspear |5 gp |+4 |— |9 lb. |Piercing, Reach| |Quarterstaff |— |+3 |— |4 lb. |Bludgeoning| |Spear |2 gp |+4 |20 ft. |6 lb. |Piercing| |Sword, bastard |35 gp |+5 |— |6 lb. |Slashing| |Glaive |8 gp |+5 |— |10 lb. |Slashing, Reach| |Greataxe |20 gp |+6 |— |12 lb. |Slashing| |Greatclub |5 gp |+5 |— |8 lb. |Bludgeoning| |Flail, heavy |15 gp |+5|— |10 lb. |Bludgeoning| |Greatsword |50 gp |+6 |— |8 lb. |Slashing| |Guisarme |9 gp |+4 |— |12 lb. |Slashing, Reach| |Halberd |10 gp |+5 |— |12 lb. |Piercing or slashing| |Lance |10 gp |+4 |— |10 lb. |Piercing, Reach| |Ranseur |10 gp |+4 |— |12 lb. |Piercing, Reach| |Scythe |18 gp |+4 |— |10 lb. |Piercing or slashing| ^Ranged Weapons^Cost^Dmg^Range Increment^Weight^Notes^ |Crossbow, heavy |50 gp |+5 |120 ft. |8 lb. |Piercing| |Crossbow, light |35 gp |+4 |80 ft. |4 lb. |Piercing| |Crossbow, hand |100 gp |+2 |30 ft. |2 lb. |Piercing| |Bolts (10) |1 gp |— |— |1 lb. |—| |Dart |5 sp |+2 |20 ft. |½ lb. |Piercing| |Javelin |1 gp |+3 |30 ft. |2 lb. |Piercing| |Sling |— |+2 |50 ft. |0 lb. |Bludgeoning| |Bullets, sling (10) |1 sp |— |— |5 lb. |—| |Longbow |75 gp |+4 |100 ft. |3 lb. |Piercing| |Longbow, composite |100 gp |+4 |110 ft. |3 lb. |Piercing| |Shortbow |30 gp |+4 |60 ft. |2 lb. |Piercing| |Shortbow, composite |75 gp |+3 |70 ft. |2 lb. |Piercing| |Arrows (20) |1 gp |— |— |3 lb. |—| |Net |20 gp |— |10 ft. |6 lb. |Entangle| * Bludgeoning weapons are +1 Damage vs flexible armors (which do relatively little to stop their intended type of damage). * Armor Piercing weapons are +1 Damage vs all armor. * Slashing weapons are +1 Fight, (but all armor is +1 Soak vs slashing weapons) ====Armor==== ^Armor^Cost^Soak^Deflection^Armor Check*^Move Rate ^Weight^ |Padded|5 gp|1|0|0|30 ft.|10 lb.| |Leather|10 gp|2|0| 0|30 ft.|15 lb.| |Hardened Leather|20 gp|2|1|-1|30 ft.|15 lb.| |Studded leather|25 gp|3|1|-1|30 ft.|20 lb.| |Chain shirt|100 gp|4|1|-2|30 ft.|25 lb.| |Hide|15 gp|3|0|-3|25 ft.| 25 lb.| |Scale mail|50 gp|4|1|-4|25 ft.|30 lb.| |Chainmail|150 gp|5|1|-5|25 ft.|40 lb.| |Breastplate|200 gp|5|2|-4|25 ft.|30 lb.| |Splint mail|200 gp|6|2|-7|20 ft.|45 lb.| |Banded mail|250 gp|6|2|-6|20 ft.|35 lb.| |Half-plate|600 gp|7|2|-7|20 ft.|50 lb.| |Full plate|1,500 gp|8|3|-6|20 ft.|50 lb.| |Buckler|15 gp|1|-|-1|-|5 lb.| |Shield, light wooden|3 gp|1|-|-1|-|5 lb.| |Shield, light steel|9 gp|1|-|-1|-|6 lb.| |Shield, heavy wooden|7 gp|2|1|-2|-|10 lb.| |Shield, heavy steel|20 gp|2|1|-2|-|15 lb.| |Shield, tower|30 gp|4|2|-10| -|45 lb.| |Armor spikes|+50 gp|-|-| -|-|+10 lb.| |Gauntlet, locked|8 gp|-|-| Special|-|+5 lb.| |Shield spikes| +10 gp|-|-| -|-|+5 lb.| *Armor checks are only a penalty to deft maneuvering, such as swimming, climbing, moving silently, etc. Specifically it does not penalize attacking or defending. ====Gear==== ^Goods^Cost^Weight^ |Backpack (empty) |2 gp |2 lb.| |Barrel (empty) |2 gp |30 lb.| |Basket (empty) |4 sp |1 lb.| |Bedroll |1 sp |5 lb.1| |Bell |1 gp |—| |Blanket, winter |5 sp |3 lb.| |Block and tackle |5 gp |5 lb.| |Bottle, wine, glass |2 gp |—| |Bucket (empty) |5 sp |2 lb.| |Caltrops |1 gp |2 lb.| |Candle |1 cp |—| |Canvas (sq. yd.) |1 sp |1 lb.| |Case, map or scroll |1 gp |½ lb.| |Chain (10 ft.) |30 gp |2 lb.| |Chalk, 1 piece |1 cp |—| |Chest (empty) |2 gp |25 lb.| |Crowbar |2 gp |5 lb.| |Firewood (per day) |1 cp |20 lb.| |Fishhook |1 sp |—| |Fishing net, 25 sq. ft. |4 gp |5 lb.| |Flask (empty) |3 cp |1½ lb.| |Flint and steel |1 gp |—| |Grappling hook |1 gp |4 lb.| |Hammer |5 sp |2 lb.| |Ink (1 oz. vial) |8 gp |—| |Inkpen |1 sp |—| |Jug, clay |3 cp |9 lb.| |Ladder, 10-foot |5 cp |20 lb.| |Lamp, common |1 sp |1 lb.| |Lantern, bullseye |12 gp |3 lb.| |Lantern, hooded |7 gp |2 lb.| |Lock (very simple) |20 gp |1 lb.| |Lock (average) |40 gp |1 lb.| |Lock (good) |80 gp |1 lb.| |Lock (amazing) |150 gp |1 lb.| |Manacles |15 gp |2 lb.| |Manacles, masterwork |50 gp |2 lb.| |Mirror, small steel |10 gp |½ lb.| |Mug/Tankard, clay |2 cp |1 lb.| |Oil (1-pint flask) |1 sp |1 lb.| |Paper (sheet) |4 sp |—| |Parchment (sheet) |2 sp |—| |Pick, miner’s |3 gp |10 lb.| |Pitcher, clay |2 cp |5 lb.| |Piton |1 sp |½ lb.| |Pole, 10-foot |2 sp |8 lb.| |Pot, iron |5 sp |10 lb.| |Pouch, belt (empty) |1 gp |½ lb.| |Ram, portable |10 gp |20 lb.| |Rations, trail (per day) |5 sp |1 lb.| |Rope, hempen (50 ft.) |1 gp |10 lb.| |Rope, silk (50 ft.) |10 gp |5 lb.| |Sack (empty) |1 sp |½ lb.| |Sealing wax |1 gp |1 lb.| |Sewing needle |5 sp |—| |Signal whistle |8 sp |—| |Signet ring |5 gp |—| |Sledge |1 gp |10 lb.| |Soap |5 sp |1 lb.| |Spade or shovel |2 gp |8 lb.| |Torch |1 cp |1 lb.| |Vial, ink or potion |1 gp |1/10 lb.| |Waterskin |1 gp |4 lb.| |Whetstone |2 cp |1 lb.| =====Exceptional Equipment===== These items are only found where the random-generation systems place them, and are generally rarer, because they are generally superior to standard equipment.