====== Huruzin of the House of Khoralus ====== Huruzin is a seeker after the sorcerous lore forbidden by the Sorcerer-Kings, and he knows a substantial amount of it already. He is well versed in the school known as [[nate:Sorcerer-Kings:Advanced Sorcerous Writings]] which deals with the power of linking sorcery to the written word. {{https://i.pinimg.com/564x/86/ef/9a/86ef9a147f9827defd91a70a860f0af2.jpg}} ===== Generator ===== Interrogating the world of sorcery to figure out its mysteries despite the dangers it poses due to its illegality ====== Traits ====== Style - Intense Mystical Glare, which is noted by others Skill - Concentration, when dealing with magic Relation - Brother Marolar, the thought of whom motivates Huruzin to greater heights because of his competitiveness