====== Steps in Paradox ====== ~~NOTOC~~ [[:Paradox]] is the latest attempt to create a viable system for [[:Karbon]]. There are 30 Simple [[paradox:Steps]]. 24 are split between the 12 Duties specifically and 6 are shared common steps. ===== Common Steps ===== ---- ==== Audacious Stunt ==== When you attempt a daring physical stunt to avoid harm or an obstacle, roll 5+. If you succeed, you avoid harm or the obstacle. Otherwise, you suffer Peril. * Speed: //Minimal or Seconds// - Sidestep: //Free// ==== Brute Force ==== When you use physical force to confront someone or overcome an obstacle, roll 4+. If you succeed, deal harm or progress towards the target. Otherwise, pay Cool or you suffer peril. * Speed: //Minimal or Seconds// - Sidestep: //1 Cool// ==== Help/Hinder Other ==== When you act to help or hinder another, roll 4+. If you succeed, they earn +1 or -1 Advantage. Otherwise, pay one Cool or flounder. * Speed: //Narrator determines// - Sidestep: //Never// ==== Mark Detail ==== When you try to notice or remember something important, roll 3+. If you succeed, you notice or remember the thing, earn +1 Advantage when applicable. Otherwise, you pay 1 Cool or flounder. * Speed: //Minimal// - Sidestep: //?// ==== Play Other ==== When you ?, roll 4+. If you succeed, ?. Otherwise, ?. * Speed: //?// - Sidestep: //?// ==== Work Intuition ==== When you ?, roll 4+. If you succeed, ?. Otherwise, ?. * Speed: //?// - Sidestep: //?// ===== Handling Steps ===== ---- These steps are all focused on handling other people. ==== Coerce Other ==== ==== Inspire Other ==== ==== Interview Other ==== ==== Lead Other ==== ==== Persuade Other ==== ===== Knowing Steps ===== ---- These steps are all focused on knowing something that will offer advantage. ==== Know Details ==== ==== Know Keys ==== ==== Know Leader ==== ==== Know Somebody ==== ===== Running Steps ===== ---- These steps are all about running. Running in the Karbon world means: owning, dominating, or taking control. So if you Run the wire, you take control of it. ==== Run Silent ==== ==== Run Smart ==== ==== Run Syndicate ==== ==== Run Tactical ==== ===== Working Steps ===== ---- These steps are all about working something in order to gain advantage from it. ==== Work Angle ==== ==== Work Expertise ==== ==== Work Hardware ==== ==== Work Network ==== ==== Work Science ==== ==== Work Shadows ==== ==== Work Syndicate ==== ==== Work Wire ==== ===== Focused Steps ===== ---- These focused steps are very specific in intent. ==== Examine Details ==== ==== Explain Science ==== ==== Design Solution ====