===== Personal Details ===== Name: \\ Concept: \\ Sex: \\ Age: \\ ===== Stats ====== ^Stat^Score^Cost^Notes^ |STR | | | |DEX | | | |CON | | | |BOD | | | |INT | | | |EGO | | | |PRE | | | |COM | | | |PD | | | |ED | | | |SPD | | | |REC | | | |END | | | |STN | | | |Total Stat Cost:|| | ===== Powers ===== * Run: 6" * Swim: 2" * Horizontal Leap: * Vertical Leap: * Total Points in Powers: ===== Talents and Perquisites ===== * Total Points in Talents and Perqs: ===== Equipment ===== ^Item^Weight(KG)^Notes^ |Item | | | ^Full Load | | | ^Combat Load | | | Total Equipment Points: 0 ===== Skills ===== * ==== Everyman Skills ==== * Acting 8- * Area Knowledge: The World 8- * Breakfall 8- * Climbing 8- * Concealment 8- * Conversation 8- * Deduction 8- * Language (Specify) * Persuasion 8- * Professional Skill: (player's choice) * Shadowing 8- * Stealth 8- * Trading 8- Also, depending on the character's background, one of the following: * Bureacratics 8- * High Society 8- * Streetwise 8- * Survival: (one environment) 8- ==== Skill Enhancers ==== * Total Points in Skills: ===== Disadvantages ===== * Total Points from Disadvantages: ===== Points ===== * Base Points: * Points from Disads: * Points from Experience: * Overall Total Points: * Overall Total Points Spent: