===== Personal Details ===== Name: \\ Concept: devious shepard looking for a legendary weapon\\ Sex: \\ Age: \\ ===== Stats ====== ^Stat^Score^Cost^Notes^ |STR |13 |3 | |DEX |14 |12 | |CON |10 |0 | |BOD |15 |0 | |INT |15 |5 | |EGO |14 |8 | |PRE |15 |5 | |COM |12 |1 | |PD |3 |0 | |ED |3 |1 | |SPD |3 |6 | |REC |5 |0 | |END |26 |3 | |STN |30 |3 | |Total Stat Cost:||47 | ===== Skills ===== * Professional: Herding 12- * Familiarity: Peasant Weapons (1) * 2 Combat Levels: Staff (4) * Combat Level: Knife (2) * Survival 13- (2) * Stealth 14- (7) * Persuasion 13- (2) Total Points in Skills: 18 ===== Talents ===== * Total Points in Talents: ===== Disadvantages ===== * Psychological Limitation: Compelled to find the legendary weapon (Uncommon, Moderate) 10 * Hunted: Assassins who want to get his family (Infrequent, Tougher, Kill) 15 Total Points from Disadvantages: ===== Equipment ===== ^Item^Weight(KG)^Notes^ |Staff |1 |4d6 N 2END| |Knife |1.5 | d6-1, +1 OCV| |Leather Hauberk |4.07 | 2 DEF, (7-14) | |Heavy Cloth Hat|.16 | 1 DEF, (4-5)| ^Full Load | | | ^Combat Load |6.73 |Not Encumbered | Total Points: 0 ===== Points ===== * Base Points: 75 * Points from Disads: 25 * Points from Experience: 0 * Overall Total Points: 100 * Overall Total Points Spent: 65