===== Personal Details ===== Name: \\ Concept: A master weaver intent on overthrowing an empire that's invading the Kingdom of Caldeland\\ Sex: \\ Age: \\ ===== Stats ====== ^Stat^Score^Cost^Notes^ |STR |10 |0 | |DEX |18 |24 | |CON |10 |0 | |BOD |10 |0 | |INT |18 |8 | |EGO |17 |14 | |PRE |13 |3 | |COM |12 |1 | |PD |2 |0 | |ED |2 |0 | |SPD |3 |2 | |REC |4 |0 | |END |20 |0 | |STN |20 |0 | |Total Stat Cost:||52 | ===== Skills ===== * Total Points in Skills: ===== Talents ===== * Total Points in Talents: ===== Powers ===== * Magic Tapestry: 1d6 Minor Transform (from citizen of the nasty Empire to paranoid citizen of the nasty Empire) * Advantages: "Mental" (Based on ECV +1/4), Trigger +1/4 (When looked at), No Range Penalties +1/2, * Limitations: Charges (1 per day) -2, Focus (Obvious, Accessible, Bulky) -1 1/2, Independent -2, Limited (Only on citizens of the Empire) -1/4, Requires a Skill Roll (Magic Weaving) ===== Disadvantages ===== * Total Points from Disadvantages: ===== Equipment ===== ^Item^Weight(KG)^Notes^ |Item | | | ^Full Load | | | ^Combat Load | | | Total Points: 0 ===== Points ===== * Base Points: * Points from Disads: * Points from Experience: * Overall Total Points: * Overall Total Points Spent: