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D&D Refined Stuff


Armor is important for character survival.

Armor Armor Class (AC) Damage Resistance (DR)costArmor Penalty
No Armor 0 0 0 0
Gauntlets, Leather0+1*2-1
Gauntlets, Chain 0+2*5-2
Gauntlets, Plate 0+4*10-4
Shield +1 010-1
Shield, Large+2 040-2
Helmet, Leather+1+1*5 0
Helmet, Cap +1+4*15 0
Helmet, Full +2+5*40-4
Helmet, Visored+2+5*50-4
Padded 0+120 0
Leather +1+135 0
Hide +2+140-2
Ring Mail +1+250-1
Hard Leather +3 055-3
Chain Shirt +2+160-1
Scale Mail +2+265-2
Chain Mail +3+280-3
Brigandine +2+390-4
Lamellar +3+3100-5
Splint +4+3110-6
Banded +3+4150-4
Lorica +4+4200-5
Plate Mail +5+4300-6
Field Plate +4+5600-5
Full Plate +5+61500-6

* Gauntlet and Helm DR doesn't add to overall DR for a suit of armor (while AC does stack), but is the DR used if damage clearly is occuring only to the hands or head respectively.

Armor Penalty

This penalty is to things that armor might make difficult, such as sneaking about, climbing, endurance checks etc, for most suits of armor (and stacking with the penalty for shields). In these cases, the penalty counts double for swimming. The penalty for a visored or full helm, on the other hand, is more to do with perception while the visor is down. With the visor up, it protects as a normal helmet. A full helm must be taken off to remove the penalty. The penalty for gauntlets is for doing things that require fine motor skills.


Adventurers often find themselves regretably needing to fight. Below are the tools for the job.

Melee Weapons

WeaponCostTo Hit ModDmg ModRange IncrementWeight(1)Type(2)
Unarmed Attacks
Gauntlet 2 gp 0-3 1 lb.Bludgeoning
Unarmed strike 0-5Bludgeoning
One-Handed Melee Weapons
Gauntlet, spiked 5 gp+1 0 1 lb.Piercing, Also cestus
Dagger 2 gp+1 010 ft. 1 lb.Piercing or slashing
Dagger, punching 2 gp+2 0 1 lb.Piercing
Kukri 8 gp+2 0 2 lb.Slashing
Longsword 15 gp+1+2 4 lb.Slashing
Scimitar 15 gp+2+1 4 lb.Slashing
Sword, bastard 35 gp+1+3 6 lb.Slashing
Sickle 6 gp 0+1 2 lb.Slashing
Axe, throwing 8 gp 0+110 ft. 2 lb.Slashing
Handaxe 6 gp+1+1 3 lb.Slashing
Battleaxe 10 gp+1+2 6 lb.Slashing
Waraxe, dwarven 30 gp 0+4 8 lb.Slashing
Whip(3) 1 gp 0-2 2 lb.Slashing and Entangling
Club 0+110 ft. 3 lb.Bludgeoning
Hammer, light 1 gp+1 020 ft. 2 lb.Bludgeoning
Mace, light 5 gp+2+1 4 lb.Bludgeoning
Mace, heavy 12 gp+1+3 8 lb.Bludgeoning
Morningstar 8 gp 0+2 6 lb.Bludgeoning and piercing
Flail 8 gp 0+2 5 lb.Bludgeoning, +1 AC
Warhammer 12 gp+1+2 5 lb.Bludgeoning
Flail, heavy 15 gp 0+310 lb.Bludgeoning, +1 AC, Also Mace & Chain
Sap 1 gp 0+1 2 lb.Bludgeoning
Shield, light 10 gp-1-1specialBludgeoning
Spiked shield, lt. 50 gp-1 0specialPiercing
Shield, heavy 40 gp-1 0specialBludgeoning
Spiked shield, hvy.80 gp-1+1specialPiercing
Spiked armor 50 gp -+1specialPiercing
Sword, short 10 gp 0+1 2 lb.Piercing or Slashing
Shortspear 1 gp 0+120 ft. 3 lb.Piercing
Pick, light 4 gp+1 0 3 lb.Piercing
Pick, heavy 8 gp 0+1 6 lb.Piercing
Rapier 20 gp+2+1 2 lb.Piercing
Two-Handed Melee Weapons
Falchion 75 gp+1+3 8 lb.Slashing
Greataxe 20 gp 0+512 lb.Slashing
Greatsword 50 gp+1+4 8 lb.Slashing
Greatclub 5 gp 0+4 8 lb.Bludgeoning
Quarterstaff(4) +1+2 4 lb.Bludgeoning
Flail, dire(4) 90 gp+1+210 lb.Bludgeoning
Axe, orc double(4) 60 gp+1+215 lb.Slashing
Sword, two-blade(4)100 gp0+210 lb.Slashing
Chain, spiked(3) 25 gp 0+310 lb.Piercing, +1 AC
Spear 2 gp 0+220 ft. 6 lb.Piercing
Guisarme(3) 9 gp+2+212 lb.Slashing
Glaive(3) 8 gp 0+410 lb.Slashing
Longspear(3) 5 gp+1+2 9 lb.Piercing
Halberd 10 gp 0+412 lb.Piercing or slashing
Lance(3) 10 gp 0+210 lb.Piercing
Ranseur(3) 10 gp 0+312 lb.Piercing
Trident 15 gp+1+210 ft. 4 lb.Piercing
Scythe 18 gp 0+310 lb.Piercing or slashing

Ranged Weapons

WeaponCostTo Hit ModDmg ModRange IncrementWeight(1)Type(2)
Longbow 75 gp 0+2100 ft. 3 lb.Piercing
Longbow, composite 100 gp0+2110 ft. 3 lb.Piercing
Shortbow 30 gp 0+160 ft. 2 lb.Piercing
Shortbow, composite75 gp 0+170 ft. 2 lb.Piercing
20 Arrows 1 gp 3 lb.
20 Arrows, broad 1 gp-1+1 3 lb.
Crossbow, heavy 50 gp+1+4120 ft.8 lb.Piercing
Crossbow, light 35 gp 0+280 ft. 4 lb.Piercing
Crossbow, hand 100 gp0 030 ft. 2 lb.Piercing
10 Bolts 1 gp 1 lb.
Dart 5 sp 0 020 ft. ½ lb.Piercing
Javelin 1 gp 0+130 ft. 2 lb.Piercing, Melee at -4 to hit
Sling 0 050 ft. 0 lb.Bludgeoning
10 Bullets, sling 1 sp 5 lb.
Net 20 gp10 ft. 6 lb.Entangling
5 Throwing Stars 1 gp 0-310 ft. ½ lb.Piercing
  1. Weight figures are for Medium weapons. A Small weapon weighs half as much, and a Large weapon weighs twice as much.
  2. When two types are given, the weapon is both types if the entry specifies “and,” or either type (player’s choice at time of attack) if the entry specifies “or.”
  3. Reach weapon.
  4. Double weapon.