Table of Contents

Exotic Trade Goods

Quantities for these rare goods are always individual items, not lots.

Purchase Check

The skill and difficulty of the check required by the trader to buy the product from a supplier. These items require more than just money to exchange hands, often needing some additional convincing.

Sale Check

The skill and difficulty of the check required to find a buyer. The Effect of this check is what multiplies the Cost per Item to achieve the sale amount – from breaking even to a huge profit.

Exotic Trade Good Table

D66 Result Type Quantity* Cost per Item GP Purchase Check Sale Check
11 – 13 Ancient Magic Item 1d6-3 2,000 Language 9+ Investigate 10+
14 – 16 Ancient Historical Artifact 1d6-4 2,500 Language 9+ Investigate 10+
21 – 23 Magic Armor 1d6-2 1,250 Persuade 8+ Diplomat 9+
24 – 26 Wondrous Item 1d6-3 500 Persuade 8+ Broker 8+
31 – 33 Strange Magic Item 1d6-3 750 Persuade 8+ Broker 8+
34 – 36 Exceptional Mount 1d6-1 1,000 Persuade 9+ Broker 9+
41 – 43 Monster (Gryphon, Dragon) 1d6 1,500 Animals 9+ Investigate 9+
44 – 46 Undiscovered Plant Species 1d6 1,500 Life Sciences 8+ Investigate 9+
51 – 53 Unique Oddity 1 5,000 Physical Sciences 9+ Broker 10+
54 – 56 Unique Treasure 1 10,000 Broker 10+ Broker 10+
61 – 63 Unique Magic Weapon 1 15,000 Broker 10+ Diplomat 9+ or Streetwise 10+
64 – 66 Artifact/Relic 1