Table of Contents

Machines in Fabricated

In the world of Fabricated life as we know it has been lost to a distant tragedy forgotten by most. In place of that life, is now a sprawling world of machines. Above that, the system itself is their lifeblood and that from which they were born. These machines are broken down into the following categories: POP Units, Beeps, Bloops, and Dots.

Each player becomes a POP Unit in the fiction of the game, and interacts with other machines of all types.

POP Units

POP units are machines with special privileges. Only POP units can recognize another POP unit at a glance. All other machines see them as one of their own, so POP units get to blend into most situations until they take action that makes them stand out. Once that happens, other units see them as faulty machines of their type and often respond badly.

So what is a POP unit? It is a machine built for the Perfectly Ordinary Person (POP) program of the system. Each unit has a Brain-AI-Technology (BAT) Core at it's heart, which is the hardware that contains it's mind. The units call this their Code. It is moving Fiber around run by that Code, and all wrapped up in Metal. There are a lot of details under the ideas of Code, Fiber, and Metal:

Oh, and on top of that, each machine is made to a profile:

These special machines also have three resources at their disposal:

That is enough for the overview. For more detail about POP units, see POP Unit Fabrication & Specs.


A Beep is a machine fully integrated into the system. It is ususaly in working order, and serves some minor purpose to the overall harmony of the system. POP units can consider Beeps safe and harmless unless they act in a manner that active their Threat Detection System (TDS). POP Units can speak to Beeps to make them aware of their status as POP units, which helps with the TDS issue.


A Bloops is a machine no longer integrated into the system. It could be a damaged machine, one that has gone rogue, or even a banned POP unit.


A Dot is something the system can't identify. One of the ways POP units service the system is to clear Dots. They do this by figuring out what the Dot is and dealing with it, usually turning it into a Beep or a Bloop.

Universal Machine Specs

POP Units follow a much deeper exploration of their specs, but for other machines a simpler universal spec system is used. Each rating falls into the range of 1 to 15, with 3.5 considered 'average', 7 exceptional. Here are the ratings for all non-POP unit machines:

Legacy Machines

These machines are often still around, but reminders of lost eons.


The first drones imbued with Machine-AI-Programming (MAP) cores. Few still remain from the Dark Ages.
