Table of Contents

POP Unit Operation Manual

The POP Units of Fabricated are complicated machines run by very human intelligence. When you play them, you'll engage with these rules to resolve any tests they might reach.


The following rules assume you understand these basics from the game's fiction:


In normal operation, your unit acts and reacts to the world around it at your behest. It does what you imagine it does, and things unfold as the operator relates to you. This is the normal flow of play. When something happens in the fiction that a player thinks is something that might go wrong for your Person, a Test is called for. A Test means there is a chance the actions of your Person won't go that way you think will, and could in fact end up going sideways.



Certain things needs to be energized by the POP unit. If the unit does not energize these things, the thing or effect is lost. When the unit chooses to energize something, they take an Energize Marker. They hold this marker as long as they choose to energize the thing, and if they choose to let it go, they discard the marker.

Spin Up, Spin Down, Spin all around...

Your machine is in one of three power states at all times: Power saving, Full power, and Red zoned. Moving to a higher power state is a Quick(3) action, and is called Spinning up. When you spin up you can pick any higher state you wish. A Spin down is a normal action, and always returns the machine to Power saving. This also triggers the resolution of all current markers it might have.

Burning the Clock

Each machine has a clock that is ticking and runs when it is at Full power or Red zoned. The clock for the machine is represented by dice based on it's endurance:

For each round the clock is increased once. Increase it twice if the machine is Red zoned. When the die reaches the maximum, a Click occurs and it is reset to 1.

Resolving, the basics

Resolving, more details


Resolving with Threads


Security in the system scape breaks down into three types:

Whenever you attempt to break through security from a cross-type, you brute force it. This means you take a -6 penalty to the test and it takes 10 rounds per roll. Whenever Type I or Type II are used on III, make that a -10 penalty and 15 rounds per roll.


When your machine throws a Safety, it immediately spins down unless an override is issued to countermand it. Most commonly Safeties are thrown from Grind Markers or Harm.


When your machine suffers a Crash, it is going to immediately power down (destroyed and lost) unless:

Even if it is bought off, the Crash causes you to spin down.


When your machine reaches a click you:


A Frazzled (common tongue: frazzed) machine is clearly in distress. It is slowed, and can only make one normal action every two rounds, and no Quick actions at all. It may only take instant actions when acted upon, or when taking it's normal action.


An unshielded machine has lost all it's protection from damage. All incoming damage is done as harm as half it's total, ignoring Steel. Harm taken in this state is rolled with a d8 instead of a d6.


When your unit take damage, it'll have a damage value. This value is normally calculated as: Quality of the attack X multiplier + base. So a weapon might be X3/10. So that weapon has a quality multiplier of X3 and a base of 10. If you score a 5 quality hit, it'll do: 5×3=15+10= 25 damage.

The first step when you take damage is to compare it to your shield rating:

Of the damage that might remain above, each 5 full points is a roll on the Harm table. If you have remaining unspent damage, keep it noted. It'll add to further damage this turn, and then is removed at the end of turn.

The damage code for melee from a POP unit is based on size, profile, and shield. The multiplier is the TTQ of the size +2 for early profiles and size +4 for late profiles. The base is always half the lowest shield rating, rounded up.





Reference: TTQ

This reference is the table commonly used in the game to turn Test To Quality, henceforth known as the TTQ for short.

Higher results can be extrapolated using the formula: (X - 2) / 2, rounding up.

Reference: Harm

When your unit is harmed, you make a roll on the Harm table. Normally 5 damage is one roll of a d6 on the table. If you unit is Unshielded roll a d8.

Material Harm

Electrical Harm

Reference: Suspend

While not exactly harm, a unit can suffer suspension of it's functions. In these cases the loss of function can be regained with an override and payment of compute markers (3) for each suspended function.

  1. Assist for Material
  2. Assist for Code
  3. Drain on Mmoss
  4. Drain on Gel
  5. Search
  6. Grind

If you roll a suspension on an already suspended function, it turns into Harm.

Suspensions last until power down, or removed as above.

Reference: Instant

Any action that is called Instant, means it interrupts everything to get resolved first. Consider it to take such a small amount of time, it is practically instantaneous. You can interrupt an instant with an instant, and in that case resolve them LIFO (last in, first out). Here is an example:

Reference: Quick

Any action that is called Quick, takes some short amount of time for your unit. It isn't time-consuming in the way a normal action is, but instead burns down your reflex. You must have enough current reflex to pay for the action. If you are doing a Search, which is Quick(5), you must have 5 Reflex to pay for the action. All Quick actions occur before your single normal action. Here is what I mean: