Table of Contents

./FSCK-US - The World

./FSCK-US, say: Local Command F-Sick Dash US or for short: F US is a game in the no-so-far-future where you play agents who are totally not part of an FBI secret group to protect the world from the paranormal. At least, you aren't officially part of the FBI. Are you working for the FBI at all? Now that you mention it your training and instructions were all out-sourced to others and you only have this strange black badge you aren't supposed to show anyone…

Culture & Technology

While in the not-so-far future, the culture of the people that inhabit the world hasn't changed drastically. Instead it has been a subtle shift towards social isolationism. People keep more and more to themselves. This shows in the numbers, today about 30% of the US are single and nearly 50% of the world of tomorrow. Families still exist and prosper, but are fewer and far between.

Jabber, a kind of heavily coded internet speak has become a full blown and very real subset dialog of English. ASI Avatars are a lot of the cause, and are net sensations. Casually the internet has been reduced to just net, and it is everywhere. WiFi has truly blanketed the world. A smartphone (just phone now) with no special power or features is almost free. Phone service and cable tv have all fallen to the net. The net is the primary source of entertainment and shows and music thrive on it.

A large portion of the populace have taken more than a slight interest in the Occult, since the world has gotten stranger and stranger over the years. It is no longer considered a weird outlier interest. In fact, the imagery both mythic and fantasy occult has become somewhat of a craze with the young adults. It isn't uncommon to see shirt and stickers with emblems of the old ones and Greek gods for instance.

Technology has made several leaps:

Countries & Corporations

Only three countries remain: The United States of America, The Russian Federation, and The People's Republic of China. Of these, both Russia and the US are dwarfed by the massive size and power of China. All the other countries of the world have been absorbed by the big three, or taken over by one of the three big corps:

There are still many scores of smaller Corps, but almost all of them are owned subsidiaries of the big three above.

Lifestyle & The Paranormal

The average lifestyle has improved under the auspices of the new ASI led world. Poverty is down, Homelessness is down, and suicide is on the rise. This is to say, while lifestyle has improved happiness hasn't and perhaps has even taken a hit. In a world more and more dominated by technology and AI, people often feel more and more useless. The job situation doesn't help, as most Corp jobs are now office salary positions doing people management and clerical work.

A growing movement has begun online and now spills over into all aspects of life, and that is the interest in the occult - both of myth and fantasy. People find themselves aligning into gangs and secret societies centered around the imagery of the occult. Likely this just provides a way for them to satiate their wandering minds which are no longer engaged in work and what we might consider “normal play”.

The Three ASI

There are three Artificial Super-Intelligences on Earth in the world of tomorrow. They are integrated into the net in a way that makes them ubiquitous. They are in all the code, of all the things. Your agent opens their phone and ASI code runs. A retired AMD silicon process manager opens their fridge, and the computer climate control runs ASI code. There is no getting rid of them, and in fact the one and only attempt to do so cost the world Australia (It ain't there no more).

To define the three ASI, let's define their power over the net, how they feel about humanity, and their goals:

The powers above are given as compared to each other, because well, they don't always agree. As you can see with 2x the power of Bunny and Hobbes, X usually gets it's way unless both Bunny and Hobbes agree to block it. X always has the power to block either Bunny or Hobbes and does so regularly. Another interesting note: X owns both Bunny and Hobbes, meaning it could change or rearrange the relative power of the ASI as it sees fit. It has basically decided their relationship and has not changed it since Hobbes went online several years ago.

Simulations & Projections

The computational power of the X space, the place of pure data in which the three ASI thrive is beyond normal human concepts. X manages constant simulations where it can predict the outcome of events in the real world with (it claims) 99% accuracy. This begs the question: It is live or is it Memorex? If X can simulate your thoughts, feelings, and actions to 99% accuracy are you real or a simulation?

Projections are holograms backed by a measure of physical force. If you can remember the holodeck of the Enterprise, much like that, but not as advanced. Projections still show small visual glitches and their “solidness” is inconsistent. Still they exist and are in use by many for all purposes, recreational or otherwise.