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Species of Calabria and Beyond

*: Found in Book of Jade
†: Found in Book of Horn and Ivory


The canonical major political families are majority mono-species, with members of other species either organized in affiliated minor Houses or folded in via adoption. This needn't mean much to a player character, though if you have designs to infiltrate a Great House, being of a matched species makes things just a little easier! The Avoirdupois are Horses; the Bisclavret and Phelan are Wolves; the Doloreaux are Boars; and the Rinaldi are Foxes.

Reptiles, insects, and the supernatural-tinged Jade species (Qiling and Zhuque) are rare in Calabria. We won't be playing out fantasy Orientalism here, but playing one of these species can mean your character goes a long time between meeting anyone new who looks like them, with whatever RP implications that holds for you!