Table of Contents

ETF Corvette Boston

Boston Crew

25 Total at launch, +1 (Pete's officer, session 3)

  1. Captain: Todd, intellectual, young and full of ideas.
  2. Executive Officer: Zoo Not Schuck (Dan's PC), think Micheal Ironside from Starship Troopers. Grizzled combat veteran with an attitude.
  3. Chief Engineer: Gary, veteran engineer, wants to let everyone else do his work, Danny Devito.
  4. Chief Medical: Dima (Loren's PC), Russian medical specialist and academic.
  5. Chief Security: Dasyuridae (Jeff's PC), Hoo Shoo Whee, furry ninja operative.
  6. Engineer Officer: Grant Brown (Adam's PC), greedy gadget collector.
  7. Expanse Liason: Kay, Hoo Shoo Whee, quiet and compassionate. No official position.
  8. Officer: Jack, Crazed social luminary, commander. Male. Command.
  9. Officer: Vernon, Kol Ten. Personnel and duty manager. Command.
  10. Officer: Adrian, security. Male.
  11. Officer: John, command, (Pete's PC) none.
  12. Petty Officer: Sarah. Science Specialist (Exotic). Female.
  13. Petty Officer: Kyle Long. ISOtech specialist, engineer, Silver Sentinels. Male.
  14. Petty Officer: Smith, Guu Emm Shee. Science.
  15. Crewman: Mavis, Gaa Men. Science.
  16. Crewman: Leena. Medical. Female.
  17. Crewman: Santana. Medical. Female.
  18. Crewman: Ardele. Science. Male.
  19. Crewman: Meg. Security. Female.
  20. Crewman: Monet. Security. Male.
  21. Crewman: Eryn. Engineer. Female.
  22. Crewman: Davis, Guu Emm Shee.
  23. Crewman: Ava, Gaa Men. Science.
  24. Crewman: Basil. Science. Male.
  25. Crewman: Miyoko, Taak Rhay (Human). Engineer. Young slender.
  26. Crewman: Mercy. Science. Male.

Crew Contacts

Angel Directives

  1. Angel may not injure a crew member or through inaction allow a crew member to come to harm.
  2. Obeys orders by members of the crew and HADAR.
  3. Protect its own existence and log all user interaction and direct summaries to Day (Chief Security).
