Table of Contents

ETF Corvette Toledo

Toledo Crew

? Total at launch

  1. Captain: Todd, intellectual, young and full of ideas.
  2. Executive Officer: Zoo Nut Schuck (Dan's PC), think Micheal Ironside from Starship Troopers. Grizzled combat veteran with an attitude.
  3. Chief Engineer: Gary, veteran engineer, wants to let everyone else do his work, Danny Devito.
  4. Chief Medical: Dima (Loren's PC), Russian medical specialist and academic.
  5. Chief Security: Dasyuridae (Jeff's PC), Hoo Shoo Whee, furry ninja operative.
  6. Engineer Officer: Grant Brown (Adam's PC), greedy gadget collector.
  7. Expanse Liason: Kay, Hoo Shoo Whee, quiet and compassionate. No official position.
  8. Officer: Jack, Crazed social luminary, commander. Male. Command.
  9. Officer: Vernon, Kol Ten. Personnel and duty manager. Command.
  10. Officer: Adrian, security. Male.
  11. Officer: John, command, (Pete's PC) none.
  12. Petty Officer: Sarah. Science Specialist (Exotic). Female.
  13. Petty Officer: Kyle Long. ISOtech specialist, engineer, Silver Sentinels. Male.
  14. Petty Officer: Smith, Guu Emm Shee. Science.
  15. Crewman: Mavis, Gaa Men. Science.
  16. Crewman: Leena. Medical. Female.
  17. Crewman: Santana. Medical. Female.
  18. Crewman: Ardele. Science. Male.
  19. Crewman: Meg. Security. Female.
  20. Crewman: Monet. Security. Male.
  21. Crewman: Eryn. Engineer. Female.
  22. Crewman: Davis, Guu Emm Shee.
  23. Crewman: Ava, Gaa Men. Science.
  24. Crewman: Basil. Science. Male.
  25. Crewman: Miyoko, Taak Rhay (Human). Engineer. Young slender.
  26. Crewman: Mercy. Science. Male.

Crew Contacts
