Table of Contents


Daniel's Character


Name: Gareth
Class: Druid
Level: 1
EXP: 1074
Deity: Obad-hai
Alignment: Neutral
Race: Human (Flan)
Sex: Male
Age: 21


HP: 3
AC: 5

Secondary Skill: Huntsman

Saving Throws

Save Type Save Value
Breath Attacks16
Poison or Death11
Petrify or Paralyze14
Spells/Spell-like Devices15

Spells Memorized


Daumantas' Other Character


Daumantas' Character

Name: Orpse Uter
Class: Fighter/Cleric
Level: 1
EXP: 0
Deity: Dumathoin
Alignment: Lawful
Race: Dwarf
Sex: Male


HP: 8.5/0 (Currently dead)
AC: 2

Secondary Skill: Huntsman

Saving Throws

Save Type Save Value
Breath Attacks15
Poison or Death11
Petrify or Paralyze14
Spells/Spell-like Devices15

Spells Memorized



Current Party Retainers

Name Type Race HP Sex Weapon Armor Alignment Background Possessions & Knowledge Notable FeaturesEXP
Dermox Man-at-Arms Human 3 M Club, Dagger Leather & Shield Law Vendetta: Kill all Orcs! Nothing None0
Undeu Torch-Bearer Human 4 M Dagger None Law Vendetta: Kill all Orcs! History of local dwarven kingdom None0
Dog 1 Pet Guard Dog 9 M Bite 1d4 AC 7 (Hide) Neutral (Loyal to Gareth) Raised in a Kennel at Praefecture None None NA
Dog 3 Pet Guard Dog 3 M Bite 1d4 AC 7 (Hide) Neutral (Loyal to Gareth) Raised in a Kennel at Praefecture None None NA
Dog 4 Pet Guard Dog 6 M Bite 1d4 AC 7 (Hide) Neutral (Loyal to Gareth) Raised in a Kennel at Praefecture None None NA
Squeak Pet Giant Shrew 8 M Bite 1d6, Bite 1d6 AC 4 (Hide and Dex mod) Neutral (Loyal to Gareth) Befriended by spell None None NA
Boo Pet Copperhead Snake 2 M Bite 1d3 + Poison AC 7 (Hide and Dex mod) Neutral (Loyal to Gareth) Befriended by spell None None NA

Rules for Hiring Retainers

There table below gives the rules for hiring various classes of NPCs.

TypeAvailabilityLevel/ClassPay and SharesExperienceLoyaltyPrimarily Run By*Notes
Full Non-Player CharacterGM Choice (sometimes per scenario)YesNegotiated individually, but likely to include sharesFull ShareCompletely independentGMDetails on NPCs will vary considerably
HenchmanRareYesNone, other than supportHalf ShareVery loyal, as a general rulePlayerPlayers cannot obtain Henchmen that are higher level
Man-at-Arms HirelingCommonNo1 GP per day, or will accept (often fractional) sharesHalf ShareBy moralePlayerThese brave 0 Level hirelings will fight
Other HirelingVery CommonNo 5 SP per day, or will accept (often fractional) sharesHalf ShareBy morale, but low if forced to fightPlayerTorch Bearers, Porters, etc, willing to go into dungeons
MercenariesCommonNoVariesNoneVariesPlayerThese hired warriors do not adventure, but are primarily hired in units to guard places
SpecialistsVariesNoVariesNoneUsually unimportantGMsee the book for the various sorts of Specialists that are available

*The GM will take control of any NPC that they feel the need to play (such as ones that fail a morale check), even ones primarily controlled by the player.

Hiring retainers will usually come down to a reaction roll. This roll can be modified by +/-1 if the offer is exceptionally generous or stingy.

Other NPCs


Gelim's Inn


Whitedell Circle


EXP and Lewt


Monster EXP