Table of Contents

Personal Details

Name: None
Concept: Knight of Waterfalls
Sex: Male Age: 40-ish


STR 25 20
DEX 11 3
CON 20 20
BOD 15 10
INT 10 0
EGO 15 10
PRE 1 -9
COM -10 0
PD 10 7
ED 10 8
SPD 4 19
REC 9 0
END 40 0
STN 38 0
Total Stat Cost:88


  • Acting 8-
  • Area Knowledge: The World 8-
  • Breakfall 8-
  • Climbing 8-
  • Concealment 8-
  • Conversation 8-
  • Deduction 8-
  • Language: Cald
  • Persuasion 8-
  • Professional Skill: Water Cultist 8-
  • Shadowing 8-
  • Stealth 8-
  • Trading 8-
  • Survival: Tundra 8-
  • +2 OCV with Hammer 4

Total Points in Skills: 4


  • Water Breathing 3

Total Points in Talents:


  • Physical Limitation: Can't Talk 10
  • Psychological Limitation: Must always be advancing Water Spirit interests (common, limiting) 15

Total Points from Disadvantages: 25


Water Hamer 3 HA 15d6 (wSTR)
Full Plate Armor 40 8 DEF
Full Load 43
Combat Load 43

Total Points: 0


  • Base Points: 75
  • Points from Disads: 25
  • Points from Experience: 1
  • Overall Total Points: 101
  • Overall Total Points Spent: 99