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Nate's game of S&W


Dirk (Lx)

Shoe's Dwarf Fighter

NAME: Shoe’s Dwarf Fighter
Race: Dwarf
Class: Fighter

XP: 5,001 (3rd level)
XP Bonus: 5%

Saving Throw: 12 (+4 vs. magic)
HP: 18 of 18

STR: 14 (+1 to-hit)
INT: 7
WIS: 8
DEX: 13 (+1 to-hit with missiles, AC [+1])
CON: 13 (+1 HP per level)
CHA: 12 (max hirelings: 4)

Gold: 36


AC: 15
Base to-hit: +1

Special abilities:

Sharaya (Char)

NAME: Sharaya
Race: Human
Class: Magic User

XP: 5,001+406
XP Bonus: 15%

Saving Throw: 13, +2 vs. Magic
HP: 8 of 8

STR: 10 (open doors: 1-2, +5lb carry)
INT: 15 (mod: +1, languages: +4, max spell lvl: 8, learn spell: 75%, min/max spells/level: 6/10)
WIS: 13
DEX: 13 (+1 to-hit with missiles, AC [+1])
CON: 9
CHA: 14 (max hirelings: 5)

Languages: Dwarven, Elvish, Dragon, Giantish (which includes ogres), Goblin

Gold: 100 + 527 GP treasure


AC: 14


Spells per day: 2 1st level, 1 2nd level

Lvl 1: (2)

Lvl 2: (1)

Charm Person
Spell Level: Magic-User, 1st Level
Range: 120 feet
Duration: Until dispelled
This spell affects living bipeds of human size or smaller, such as goblins or dryads. If the spell succeeds (saving throw allowed), the unfortunate creature falls under the caster’s influence.

Magic Missile
Spell Level: Magic-User, 1st Level
Range: 150 feet
Duration: Immediate
A magical missile flies where the caster directs, with a range of 150 feet. At the Referee’s discretion, this spell may have one of two effects:
1) The Magic-User must roll to hit the target with a +1 bonus to the roll. The missile inflicts 1d6+1 points of damage.
2) The missile hits automatically, doing 1d4+1 points of damage.
In either case, the Magic-User casts an additional two missiles for every 5 levels of experience. Thus, at 5th level, the caster is able to hurl 3 magic missiles, and 5 missiles at 10th level.

Spell Level: Magic-User, 2nd Level
Range: Touch
Duration: 8 hours (80 turns)
This spell may be cast upon a Fighter or a Cleric. For the duration of the spell, a Fighter gains 2d4 points of Strength, and a Cleric gains 1d6 points of Strength. Strength cannot exceed 18 unless the Referee chooses to allow additional bonuses resulting from the additional Strength.

Kindroth (Mike)

NAME: Kindroth
Class: Fighter/Magic-user
Race: Elf
Sex: Male

STR: 12
INT: 12
WIS: 8
DEX: 11
CON: 15 (+1 HP per level)
CHA: 9

Saving Throw: 13, +2 vs. Magic

Max HP: 7
Current HP: 7
AC: 17
EXP: 2500 each

Memorize two first level spells a day.


House Rules


Armor To Hit DRcost
No Armor1000
Shield +1010
Helmet +1015
Padded 0120
Leather +1135
Ring +1250
Scale +2165
Chain +2280
Splint +3295
Banded +23110
Plate +33125

Nate's Melee Weapon Chart


d4		2 gp	Generic bludgeons (and torches)
d6		9 gp	Heavy Mace					+2 to-hit vs. Mail / Plate
d8		11 gp	Military Pick / Morning Star / War Hammer	+2 to-hit vs. Mail / Plate


d4  		6 gp	Dagger						+1 to-hit vs. Leather Armor, Can also be thrown
d6  		7 gp	Sword (Short sword)				+1 to-hit vs. Leather Armor
d8 / d8+1	11 gp	Longsword (Bastard sword, 1H / 2H)		+1 to-hit vs. Leather Armor
d10 		11 gp	Great-sword (Executioner’s Sword, 2H)		+1 to-hit vs. Leather Armor


d6		4 gp	Hand Axe					+1 to-hit vs. Mail, Can also be thrown
d8 / d8+1	5 gp	Battle Axe (1H / 2H)				+1 to-hit vs. Mail
d10		6 gp	Great-axe (Halberd, 2H)				+1 to-hit vs. Mail

Pole Arms:

d6 / d6+1	4 gp	Spear (1H / 2H)					Can also be thrown
d8+1		8 gp	Pike (2H)
d10		10 gp	Pole Arm (2H)

Strange Cases:

d4		7 gp	Spike 						+2 to-hit vs. Mail / Plate
d4 / d4+1	11 gp	Flail (1H / 2H)					+2 to-hit vs. Mail / Plate, Ignores opponent’s shield
d6		4 gp	Staff (2H)					+1 to-hit (as per two-weapon fighting)