Table of Contents


* Dungeon Walls:	Reinforced Masonry
* Dungeon Floor:	Sand
* Temperature:	Warm
* Illumination:	Shadowy (phosphorescent fungus or candles every 20 ft.)


a. The scent of urine fills the corridor

Wandering Monsters

* 1	1 x Wererat (lycanthrope), scavenging for food and treasure
* 2	1 x Ghoul, consumed by disease and madness
* 3	5 x Dire Rat, trying to lure the party into an ambush
* 4	10 x Rat (animal), tracking the party
* 5	10 x Rat (animal), lost and desperate
* 6	9 x Bat (animal), investigating a strange noise


Room #1

Room Features

Several square holes are cut into the ceiling and floor, The scent of ozone fills the south-east corner of the room.

Room #2

Room Features

A magical mural on the south wall depicts the hideous death of whomever views it, A stack of barrels filled with rotting fruit stands against the south wall.

Room #3

Room Features

A mural of a legendary battle covers the ceiling, Someone has scrawled "Frakun was here" on the east wall.


1 x Ghoul

Room #4

Room Features

Someone has scrawled "Ran out of swords" on the south wall, The floor is covered with mold.


1 x Rat Swarm

Room #5

Room Features

Several square holes are cut into the north and east walls, A creaking sound can be faintly heard near the south wall.


Ceiling Pendulum

Hidden Treasure

Hidden Locked Iron Chest

3 Tanglefoot Bags

Room #6


1 x Ghoul


Bag with “Bitter Tail” herbal cure to Jango Iofurrssin's disease.