Table of Contents

VerySimpleSix (VSS)

A very simple roleplaying game system, hacked up from old ideas by JP.

Number Ratings, Points Whatever You Call It

Every power, ability, strength or such in this game has a rating. This is a number denoting how capable it is, and is directly compared to other numbers to determine how they relate. In this way a power 10 blaster shot is superior to a power 5 laser blast. The ratings work something like so:

A number also has a companion value called a range, based on it. Here are the range rules:

So in this way that blaster shot above is 10(3). and the laser blast 5(1). Range is used for deciding the rolling method for tests:

Unlikely, Maybe, or Likely

When you have to roll the dice, you'll compare the two numbers. Then you'll know if the action, effect, etc. is one of:

The value and it's range are used to determine this. To determine the effect of a Blaster shot 10(3) against an armored door 7(2) we just compare the values:

Creating Adventurers, Pick a Level!

In order to create an adventurer, decide on their level:

Once you have a level you have:

The GM will set the “level” of the game. This is the maximum level you can take in a character. If you choose to take a lesser level, you'll get certain abilities under The Flow of the Force.

Skilled / Talented: Choose to reduce Attribute points by 4 to gain 15 points in Skills/Talents. You may only do this once.

Adventurers: Attributes & Skills

Dexterity Knowledge Mechanical Perception Technical
Blaster Aliens Astrogation Bargain Computers
Dodge Bureaucracy Beast Riding Command Demolition
Heavy Weapons Cultures Driving Con Droids
Melee Languages Starship Gunnery Gambling Medicine
Thrown Planets Starship Piloting Hide & Sneak Repair
Unarmed Streetwise Starship Systems Search Security

Adventurers: Strengths & Talents

Body Force Genius
Athletics ~talent~ Insight
Brawling ~talent~ Invention
Lifting ~talent~ Mechanical
Stamina ~talent~ Technical
Swimming ~talent~ Schemes
Toughness ~talent~ War

Force Talents are specific to each Force user, and therefore created by the player of that adventurer with the assistance of the GM.

Creating Adventurers, Finishing Touches

To finish an adventurer you need the obvious, name, appearance, etc. But also: Background, Personality, A Quote, and Connection to Others. These should all be vague, allowing you to build on them during play.


A brief idea of where the adventurer came from. A one line summary, and perhaps some further highlights is the right amount of background for a starting adventurer. Usually you include a homeworld here, and some idea of why they became an adventurer.


A short summary of the kind of demeanor and personality the adventurer has, you can make this super-short “joker” or expound as you wish. This is meant to inspire your roleplay, nothing more.

A Quote

Perhaps a favorite phrase, or just something notable the adventurer has said. It should make a statement about who they are. A smuggler's example from the original game: “I don't have the money with me.”

Connection to Others

Your adventurer has to know at least one other adventurer. It is important that this relationship matters to them, the adventurers are always a group that has each other's back.

Creating Adventurers, Hero Templates

First, a blank adventurer template page: Adventurer Template.

