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Adventurer Data

A character for Audeo Play Tests.

Creation Log

»»	Now talking on #indierpgs
»»	Topic for #indierpgs is: Everyone says they want a fairy-tale wedding . But show up to curse their first born and suddenly, YOU'RE the asshole.  What the hell?
»»	Topic for #indierpgs set by Lxndr at Mon Apr 15 23:51:31 2013
<JP>	#roll 3[1d6]
-Notice-	-RPGServ/#indierpgs- <Roll for JP [3[1d6]]: 6 3 6 > 
-Notice-	{from RPGServ} <Roll [3[1d6]]: 6 3 6 > 
<JP>	Hard Times! Failed Pursuit! Hard Times!
<JP>	Ouch
<JP>	#roll 1d6
-Notice-	-RPGServ/#indierpgs- <Roll for JP [1d6]: 5>  
-Notice-	{from RPGServ} <Roll [1d6]: 5> 
<Lxndr>	sounds like Richmont High
<JP>	Enslaved,
<JP>	#roll 1d6
-Notice-	-RPGServ/#indierpgs- <Roll for JP [1d6]: 2>  
-Notice-	{from RPGServ} <Roll [1d6]: 2> 
<JP>	failed to pursue a 1st Age myth,
<JP>	#roll 1d6
-Notice-	-RPGServ/#indierpgs- <Roll for JP [1d6]: 2>  
-Notice-	{from RPGServ} <Roll [1d6]: 2> 
<JP>	Scorned!
<JP>	Thats a life, eh?
<JP>	:)
<Lxndr>	geez, poor guy
<Lxndr>	or gal
<JP>	Enslaved, Failed to pursue a 1st Age Myth, and finally Scorned
<JP>	Well things are looking up! Even considering the mortality rate for D&D adventurers
<Lxndr>	#roll 3[1d6]
-Notice-	-RPGServ/#indierpgs- <Roll for Lxndr [3[1d6]]: 6 6 2 > 
<Lxndr>	two hard times and... ?
<JP>	gained a mentor
<JP>	nice
<JP>	Roll a d6 for each and I can fill in details
<Lxndr>	wooo
<Lxndr>	#roll 3[1d6]
-Notice-	-RPGServ/#indierpgs- <Roll for Lxndr [3[1d6]]: 5 1 5 > 
<Lxndr>	enslaved
<Lxndr>	then 1 and 5
<JP>	Enslaved, Hounded, and Gained a Hunter Mentor
<JP>	Its a tough world it seems
<JP>	!
<Lxndr>	at least for our characters
<Lxndr>	we clearly met as slaves
<JP>	Neither of us has rolled a 5 on the random experience table
<JP>	Which is a Windfall :P
<JP>	Also, there is no windfall chart yet, I'm drawing a blank on that
<Lxndr>	we met as slaves, and then you left to pursue some sort of myth, while I just got hounded
<JP>	I need six options
<Lxndr>	not sure what that means
<Lxndr>	but then when you got back, you were scorned, and I found this dude who mentors me, that's also a hunter
<JP>	:)
<Lxndr>	I'd have invited you to train with me, but I was too bus scorning you
<Lxndr>	sorry
<JP>	lol
<JP>	I'm amazed at how easy the Hard Times table was and how hard the Windfall one is being :P
<JP>	I have one entry now: A True Friend of Merit
<Lxndr>	well, it's easier to come up with Bads
<Lxndr>	than Goods
<Lxndr>	Briefcase full of Money
<Lxndr>	Magical Item/Artifact?
<JP>	Well I shortened entry one to "Friendship"
<JP>	Then perhaps "A Few Coins"
<Lxndr>	Didn't Die
<JP>	lol
<JP>	Didn't roll a 6
<JP>	:)
<JP>	magic item is "Rare Find" which is more open to player interpretation
<Lxndr>	I'd split that similarly to the failed pursuits
<Lxndr>	Legedary Find,  Mythical Find
<JP>	added: Renown, and A Title
<JP>	Sure, that makes sense
<Lxndr>	Love
<Lxndr>	because finding love is damned important
<JP>	I have a list now
<JP>	Fellowship, Purse of Coins, Renown, Legendary Find, A Title, Love
<JP>	Purse of coins doesn't seem to fit anymore
<Lxndr>	so wait, I know I'm a former slave, then hounded?  (did I escape?)
<Lxndr>	then found a hunter as a mentor
<JP>	So I'm thinking Limited Wealth
<Lxndr>	but... what land did I come from?  what is my race?
<JP>	We didn't do that
<JP>	I only rolled what I'm working on
<JP>	:)
<Lxndr>	ah
<JP>	Roll 2d6 and take the least three times for Born, Grew, and Named
<JP>	Then we can answer that
<JP>	#roll 2[1d6]
-Notice-	-RPGServ/#indierpgs- <Roll for JP [2[1d6]]: 3 1 > 
-Notice-	{from RPGServ} <Roll [2[1d6]]: 3 1 > 
<JP>	#roll 2[1d6]
-Notice-	-RPGServ/#indierpgs- <Roll for JP [2[1d6]]: 5 4 > 
-Notice-	{from RPGServ} <Roll [2[1d6]]: 5 4 > 
<JP>	#roll 2[1d6]
-Notice-	-RPGServ/#indierpgs- <Roll for JP [2[1d6]]: 2 2 > 
-Notice-	{from RPGServ} <Roll [2[1d6]]: 2 2 > 
<JP>	3,4,2: Born in the Wild of Crowned Valley, Grew up in the Upper Underground (wow), and was Named in a Village.
«---	Paganini (~Paganini@A3F68A2D.73537FFB.187822F.IP) has Quit (Ping timeout)
<Lxndr>	#roll 3[2d6]
-Notice-	-RPGServ/#indierpgs- <Roll for Lxndr [3[2d6]]: 11 8 6 > 
<JP>	Somehow this fits nicely into my doomer adventurer, taken from the process of Grew given Upper Underground: "Accept one of the following impressions: “Glory Hound”, “Reckless Daredevil”, “Treaure Seeker” or make up one of your own that fits a childhood of dangerous adventure in the skirts of the underground."
<Lxndr>	bah
<Lxndr>	#roll 2[1d6]
-Notice-	-RPGServ/#indierpgs- <Roll for Lxndr [2[1d6]]: 3 5 > 
<Lxndr>	#roll 3[2d6]
-Notice-	-RPGServ/#indierpgs- <Roll for Lxndr [3[2d6]]: 11 8 7 > 
<Lxndr>	#roll 2[1d6]
-Notice-	-RPGServ/#indierpgs- <Roll for Lxndr [2[1d6]]: 5 1 > 
<Lxndr>	okay, so 3, 1
<Lxndr>	#roll 2[1d6]
-Notice-	-RPGServ/#indierpgs- <Roll for Lxndr [2[1d6]]: 4 1 > 
<Lxndr>	3,1,1
<JP>	Born in the the Wild of Crowned Valley, and grew up and was named one of the Cities
<JP>	Since nothing gave us a race, we need that too. One more least of 2d6.
<JP>	#roll 2[1d6]
-Notice-	-RPGServ/#indierpgs- <Roll for JP [2[1d6]]: 2 4 > 
-Notice-	{from RPGServ} <Roll [2[1d6]]: 2 4 > 
<Lxndr>	#roll 2[1d6]
-Notice-	-RPGServ/#indierpgs- <Roll for Lxndr [2[1d6]]: 1 4 > 
<Lxndr>	I'm a 2!
<Lxndr>	and you're a 1
<JP>	Reverse that :)
<Lxndr>	ah, right
<JP>	Your adventurer is, Seges: Tall thin humans that live long, Vetu-kin, the brains.
<JP>	Mine is, Macto: Short stocky humans that live short, Arks-kin, the brawn.
<JP>	We are both humans
<JP>	No wonder we got enslaved :(
<Lxndr>	I'm... an elf-type
<Lxndr>	tall thin longevity, with brains
<JP>	Right, part elf
<JP>	and I'm part dwarf
<JP>	Heritage here gives you a summary of the six above ground races, http://wiki.wishray.com/doku.php?id=audeo:binding_of_laurus
<Lxndr>	and I'm also a hunter
<Lxndr>	so...
<Lxndr>	I'm a stereotypical elf
<Lxndr>	wood elf, at least
<JP>	Well I suppose now I know why my guy grew up in the upper underground, lusting for the gold mines!
<JP>	:)
<Lxndr>	no wait, I'm a Valley Elf
<Lxndr>	:D
---»	Paganini (~Paganini@A3F68A2D.73537FFB.187822F.IP) has Joined #indierpgs
»»	ChanServ sets mode +q #indierpgs Paganini
»»	ChanServ gives channel operator status to Paganini
<JP>	Well don't take too much stock in the valley part of Crowned Valley, it comprises the living part of the entire world that is Laurus
<JP>	:)
<Lxndr>	well, I did grow up in the Wild
<Lxndr>	so Wild Elf? :D
<JP>	Born in the wild, grew up in the city
<JP>	Likely enslaved by the Guardians of the Crown, they are the big slavers of the modern age of Laurus
<Lxndr>	sure, stolen from my home
<JP>	That is the large and stifling organization that protects the valley from the devils outside
<Lxndr>	then I escaped slavery, and was hounded by slave hunters
<Lxndr>	then finally found a hunter to mentor me
<JP>	Sounds likely
<JP>	Its been a tough life, but it takes a tough man to make a tender chicken. I mean, adventurer with gusto!
<JP>	Well you already have two merits for your adventurer: Cunning from being born in the wild, and Educated from growing up in the city, nice.
<JP>	Merits are nice
«---	Ettin (Ettin@MagicStar-45907240.static.tpgi.com.au) has Quit (Disintegrated: )
<JP>	Holy crap, I'm filling in the Minor Misfortune table and I've done four. They are all the exact same number of characters...
<JP>	What are the odds!
<JP>	Ah! Another one!
<Lxndr>	heh
<Lxndr>	the odds of that last one being the exact same is actually rather high after you noticed the first four
<Lxndr>	because human brains are weird once they notice patterns
<Lxndr>	so why 'audeo'?  is it because of your speakers?
<Lxndr>	oh shit, I have a fault?
<Lxndr>	cunning and educated and cautious
<JP>	Audeo, latin for "dare" or "I date"
<JP>	*I dare
<JP>	whoops
<Lxndr>	heh
<Lxndr>	the root of audacious, then
<JP>	right, seems likely
<JP>	Pronounced "ow-deh-O" from what I can garner online, which is pleasing to say and easy to remember, IMO
<Lxndr>	yep.
<Lxndr>	From Latin audacia (“boldness”), from audax (“bold”), from audeo (“I am bold, I dare”)
<Lxndr>	rather different from audio.  it's interesting that that one very similar vowel sound is all it takes to go from "I dare" to "I hear"
<JP>	hehe, right
<Lxndr>	I dare and I obey, one syllable different
<Lxndr>	linguistics is interesting
»»	JP nods
<JP>	ouch, the major misfortune table is a B I T C H
<Lxndr>	good?
<JP>	Disfigured, Hated, Cursed, Enfeebled, Delusional, and Crippled
<Lxndr>	oh hey, though
<Lxndr>	because I was named in the city, I get a Windfall
<JP>	right
<JP>	The only way to get to Major Misfortune at the moment is to have been Named in the Deadlands
<JP>	Which gives you a roll on that and the Merit: Champion :)
»»	JP goes about filling in the second processes
«---	Paganini (~Paganini@A3F68A2D.73537FFB.187822F.IP) has Quit (Ping timeout)
---»	Paganini (~Paganini@A3F68A2D.73537FFB.187822F.IP) has Joined #indierpgs
»»	ChanServ sets mode +q #indierpgs Paganini
»»	ChanServ gives channel operator status to Paganini
<JP>	Lx, the processes for Mentor experiences is filled in
<JP>	Hard Times done too
<JP>	#roll 1d6
-Notice-	-RPGServ/#indierpgs- <Roll for JP [1d6]: 2>  
-Notice-	{from RPGServ} <Roll [1d6]: 2> 
<Lxndr>	okay, time for my mentor
<Lxndr>	#roll 1d6
-Notice-	-RPGServ/#indierpgs- <Roll for Lxndr [1d6]: 1>  
<Lxndr>	wait, no. I'm already a hunter
<JP>	right
<JP>	:)
<Lxndr>	so that's my windfall I guess
<Lxndr>	because I needed to roll it too
<Lxndr>	I haz a fellowship!
<Lxndr>	and because we're being lazy and defaultish, I've got the Sure Footed Stance of the Hunter
<Lxndr>	and Highly Sharpened Senses
<Lxndr>	but I guess I have to roll for my Hounded too
<JP>	You get some uncommon means
<Lxndr>	actually, wait
<Lxndr>	I gotta roll to see who enslaved me
<Lxndr>	#roll 1d6
-Notice-	-RPGServ/#indierpgs- <Roll for Lxndr [1d6]: 3>  
<Lxndr>	'some mighty guild'
<JP>	indeed
<JP>	Seems fitting
<Lxndr>	and... was hounded.
<Lxndr>	do I hae to roll again, or can I just say 'it makes sense that I was hounded by the people who enslaved me'?
<JP>	It generally says: choose/roll for that reason
<JP>	However, I've been lazy of late as I write it out
<Lxndr>	heh
<JP>	So yea, you don't need to reroll
<Lxndr>	well, some mighty guild also hounds me
<Lxndr>	it's clearly a mercenary guild.  a 'Some Mighty' is just a hired gun.
<JP>	heh
<Lxndr>	oh and I have Steely Resolve!
<Lxndr>	and minor misfortune
<Lxndr>	#roll 1d6
-Notice-	-RPGServ/#indierpgs- <Roll for Lxndr [1d6]: 5>  
<Lxndr>	betrayed by a friend
<Lxndr>	fucker
<Lxndr>	YOU did it
<JP>	heh
<Lxndr>	that's why I later scorned you
<JP>	:D
<Lxndr>	I'm hounded because of something YOU did
<Lxndr>	while you go off and follow your first age myth
<JP>	Seems likely
<Lxndr>	I'm hiding
<JP>	I'm about to write up the failed pursuit ones
<Lxndr>	:D
<JP>	the big ones never end well
<JP>	:)
<Lxndr>	oh, now uncommon means
<Lxndr>	#roll 1d6
-Notice-	-RPGServ/#indierpgs- <Roll for Lxndr [1d6]: 2>  
<Lxndr>	I'm a Mastermind?
<Lxndr>	okay
<Lxndr>	that's how they never caught me
<JP>	Right, you developed it along the way
<JP>	:)
<Lxndr>	creating characters is always more interesting as a group
<Lxndr>	now I can blame you for my problems
<JP>	yep
<Lxndr>	I suppose I should roll on the allegience table for my fellowship
<Lxndr>	because it's probably not the Some Mighties
»»	JP nods
<Lxndr>	not a 2, not a 2
<Lxndr>	#roll 1d6
-Notice-	-RPGServ/#indierpgs- <Roll for Lxndr [1d6]: 1>  
<Lxndr>	whew
<Lxndr>	I'm connected to the Guardians of the Crown?
<JP>	somehow
<Lxndr>	through my Hunter mentor
<Lxndr>	or no
<Lxndr>	this came from my made-a-name
<Lxndr>	so before I was enslaved, I made fast friends with someone in the Guardians
<Lxndr>	or while
<Lxndr>	I spent my childhood in the Wild, my adolescence in the City, and made my name in the City too.
<Lxndr>	And AFTER I was Enslaved?
<JP>	Yep, you urbanized
<Lxndr>	born/grew/named make sense to me as a process
<Lxndr>	so the second processes are after that?
<JP>	Well remember the note, the slavery is a legal for convicted criminals
<Lxndr>	here's how I'm imagining it:
<JP>	Lx, yes
<Lxndr>	I spent my childhood in the Wild, then was sold into slavery by my poor family, who needed monies
<Lxndr>	brought to the City
<Lxndr>	where I grew up, likely as a slave of the Guardians
<JP>	I thought some Mighty Guild enslaved you?
<Lxndr>	well, they did later
<JP>	oh right, ok, we aren't there yet
<Lxndr>	the Guardians bought me first, so I could impress them
<Lxndr>	(in Naming)
<JP>	You were already an accomplished slave
<JP>	:)
<Lxndr>	so somewhere around there, despite having a fellowship with the Guardians, I wound up in a slave auction, or wound up being just stolen
<Lxndr>	I was probably very close to earning my freedom before the Mighties stole me
<Lxndr>	they are in the unfortunate habit of taking already-trained-and-well-regarded slaves
<Lxndr>	because they then don't have to waste the investment
»»	JP nods
<Lxndr>	so, fyi, you were probably also enslaved similarly
<Lxndr>	;)
<Lxndr>	since you betrayed me
<Lxndr>	and all
<JP>	Someone was getting to big for their britches was all
<Lxndr>	so, as a mercenary guild, they took me out of the city
<JP>	With that smart air of smart superiority
<Lxndr>	(to a battlefield, and also away from people who might recognize me)
<JP>	I took care of that
<Lxndr>	hey, I EARNED my fucking freedom, then they took me away
<JP>	Right, suck-up too, I forgot
<JP>	:D
<Lxndr>	I didn't suck up to the fucking Mighties
<Lxndr>	but I served the Guardians well, because they served me well
<JP>	Oh no, I'm saying I betrayed you with the Guardians and had you sold off to the Mighties, if you can see that
<Lxndr>	ohh, I can see that
<JP>	That was the betrayal
<Lxndr>	yes
<Lxndr>	excellent
<Lxndr>	you're the reason I don't trust dwarves
<JP>	hehe
<Lxndr>	and why I call Mactos 'dwarves', because that's a racial slur
<JP>	Remember we are both human, just elf-like and dwarf-like
<JP>	:)
<Lxndr>	but Arks are dwarves too
<Lxndr>	hmm
<JP>	Vetu and Arks are Elves and Dwarves actually
<Lxndr>	either way, fuck Arks and Macto
<Lxndr>	because of you
<JP>	lol
<JP>	Well I don't know if the game mechanics are going to work but it looks like the chargen will be fun with the right mindset
<JP>	:)
<Lxndr>	either way, after enough time I finally escaped from the Mighties
<Lxndr>	and did a Frank Abnegale for a while, avoiding them
<Lxndr>	(Mastermind)
<Lxndr>	though maybe that's more Intrigue than Mastermind
<Lxndr>	hm
<JP>	Mastermind as I see it when I wrote it down, is Nate Ford.
<Lxndr>	either way, somehow I used my masterminding to keep away from the Mighties
<Lxndr>	ahh
<Lxndr>	that works
»»	Paganini is now known as Mastermind
<JP>	hehe
<Lxndr>	anyway, my shell games kept the Mighties from finding me
<Lxndr>	until I finally made it 'home'
<Lxndr>	my Hunter Mentor was family
<Lxndr>	(which is why we're poor. not a lot of money in hunting.)
<JP>	tasty food though
<JP>	Ugh, failed to pursue a first age myth...
<JP>	#roll 1d6
-Notice-	-RPGServ/#indierpgs- <Roll for JP [1d6]: 2>  
-Notice-	{from RPGServ} <Roll [1d6]: 2> 
<JP>	Yay, it didn't end Horribly Bad, just Badly!
<JP>	I get a minor misfortune and +2 Hurry
<JP>	Likely from all the running away
<JP>	Oh, and +1 Ip, nice
<JP>	#roll 1d6
-Notice-	-RPGServ/#indierpgs- <Roll for JP [1d6]: 4>  
-Notice-	{from RPGServ} <Roll [1d6]: 4> 
<JP>	String of Bad Luck
<JP>	heh
<JP>	No wonder this guy adventures, deathwish :P
<JP>	So, enslaved, escaped, 1st age pursuit ended badly with a string of bad luck, and finally scorned from society.
<JP>	I bet he betrayed you to earn this escape
<Lxndr>	probably
<Lxndr>	put me in your spot
<Lxndr>	you were going to be sold
<Lxndr>	and of course, the Mighties conveniently ignored my protests until it was 'too late'
<JP>	hehe
<JP>	ok, one chart to go and then I can work on the auditing process
<JP>	Which is the step after all this where you see if your character has enough definition or buy some with starting "Gold"
<JP>	yay, all tables done
<Lxndr>	so in audeo, you have to audit
<JP>	hehe
<JP>	I just added in you can waive the audit though, since it will in a way balance out in play even if your adventurer turns out pretty bad. I think, dunno honestly, time will tell.
<Lxndr>	well I'm a former slave, fugitive, and hunter
<Lxndr>	I'm good
<JP>	hehe
<Lxndr>	btw,  'hoard'
<Lxndr>	not 'horde of treasure'
<Lxndr>	unless it's, like, a gang of treasure
<Lxndr>	also: where does it say 'roll 2 dice and take the lower'?  we did that for the first processes, but not the second.
<Lxndr>	ah, nevermind
<JP>	It is for the first part of the process
<JP>	whoops, re: horde
<JP>	:)
<Lxndr>	hm
<Lxndr>	the implications of Random Creation is that I should have also done it for the Mentor/Hard Times/etc. too
<Lxndr>	did we do that?
<JP>	I figure its all fast and free, since well, its not like you could just another option at the moment
<JP>	:)
<Lxndr>	oh sure
<Lxndr>	but it seems kind of sad to do that for, say, the Windfall table
<Lxndr>	makes Love even more rare :(
<Lxndr>	like "nope, only way you'll get Love is boxcars."
«---	Mastermind (~Paganini@A3F68A2D.73537FFB.187822F.IP) has Quit (Ping timeout)
<JP>	The two dice least is only for the first tables
<JP>	It should say that somewhere, but it does not
<Lxndr>	cool
<Lxndr>	sorry for the nitpikiness, but... I hope it helps
<Lxndr>	what's a lp?
<JP>	Innate potential
<JP>	Its one of the two types of chips that let you fill up abilities
<Lxndr>	aha
<Lxndr>	let's see
<JP>	So you have 3 potential hurry, but it counts as 0 unless you put 3 Ip on it
<Lxndr>	I have +1 Hurry, +1 Trick, +1 ip
<Lxndr>	+1 Hurry again
<Lxndr>	+2 IP, +1 to a random/chosen ability
<Lxndr>	+! to a random/chosen ability
<Lxndr>	so I only have +2 hurry
---»	Mastermind (~Paganini@MagicStar-BD8F9D2B.dr03.crvl.il.frontiernet.net) has Joined #indierpgs
<JP>	All abilities start at 2
<Lxndr>	ah, okay, so I can get up to 4
<Lxndr>	for Hurry
<JP>	right
<Lxndr>	plus two for random/chosen abilities
<JP>	There is a table for that
<Lxndr>	#roll 2[1d6]
-Notice-	-RPGServ/#indierpgs- <Roll for Lxndr [2[1d6]]: 3 2 > 
<Lxndr>	hurry and drive
<Lxndr>	so... I'm going to be a nascar driver
<Lxndr>	lots of hurry, some drive
<JP>	hehe
<JP>	hurry is the goto combat roll
<Lxndr>	but I have 3 ips
<JP>	You start with 5 Ips
<JP>	So you have 8 chips to assign to your abilities at any one time.
<Lxndr>	hm
<Lxndr>	so I have 2 Push, 3 Drive, 5 Hurry, 2 Sharp, 3 Trick, and 8 IPs
<Lxndr>	I undestand 'freeform creation' as a concept
<Lxndr>	what's unfolding creation?
<JP>	Its random rolls and choices based on those rolls, and returning to random rolls
«---	Mastermind (~Paganini@MagicStar-BD8F9D2B.dr03.crvl.il.frontiernet.net) has Quit (Ping timeout)
<JP>	Well I'm in total burnout for design and quite ready to run Audeo, damn
<JP>	So much for some testing today
<JP>	At least I will likely finish that all up tomorrow during the day
<JP>	So it will be ready to go at a moments notice for testing later
---»	Paganini (~Paganini@MagicStar-FB280B21.dr03.crvl.il.frontiernet.net) has Joined #indierpgs
»»	ChanServ sets mode +q #indierpgs Paganini
»»	ChanServ gives channel operator status to Paganini
---»	Demo2 (Demota@MagicStar-E2BD3C5.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has Joined #indierpgs
«---	Demota (Demota@MagicStar-E2BD3C5.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has Quit (Ping timeout)
<Lxndr>	okay, so... you're going to run Audeo?
<Lxndr>	cool
audeo/lx_s_unnamed_adventurer.txt · Last modified: 2013/06/18 15:47 by JasonP