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Appendix A: Mutations

A (D) denotes a mutation that tends to be thought of as a defect.

Physical Mutations

  • Attraction Odor (D)
  • Bodily Control (GW2)
  • Body Structure Change
  • Chameleon Powers
  • Density Control
  • Diminished Sense (D)
  • Double Physical Pain (D)
  • Electrical Generation
  • Fat Cell Accumulation (D)
  • Gas Generation - Musk
  • Heat Generation
  • Heightened Balance
  • Heightened Constitution
  • Heightened Dexterity
  • Heightened Hearing
  • Heightened Precision
  • Heightened Smell
  • Heightened Strength
  • Heightened Taste
  • Heightened Touch
  • Heightened Vision
  • Hemophilia (D)
  • Increased Metabolism (D)
  • Increased Speed
  • Infravision
  • Kinetic Absorption (GW2)
  • Light Generation
  • Multiple Body Parts
  • New Body Parts
  • No Resistance to Bacteria (D)
  • No Resistance to Poison (D)
  • No Nerve Endings (D)
  • Oversized Body Parts
  • Partial Carapace
  • Photosynthetic Skin
  • Physical Reflection
  • Poor Respiratory System (D)
  • Quills/Spines
  • Radiated Eyes
  • Regeneration
  • Shapechange
  • Shorter
  • Skin Structure Change (D)
  • Sonic Attack Ability
  • Symbiotic Attatchment
  • Taller
  • Total Carapace
  • Ultravision
  • Vision Defect (D)
  • Weight Decrease (D)
  • Wings

Mental Mutations

  • Absorption
  • Anti-Life Leech (GW2)
  • Antireflection (D)
  • Complete Mental Block (D)
  • Cryokinesis
  • Death Field Generation
  • De-evolution
  • Density Control (others)
  • Directional Sense
  • Displacement (GW2)
  • Dual Brain
  • Empathy
  • Epilepsy (D)
  • Fear Impulse (D)
  • Force Field Generation
  • Genius Capability
  • * a) Military
  • * b) Scientific
  • * c) Economic
  • Heightened Brain Talent
  • Heightened Intelligence
  • Hostility Field (D)
  • Illusion Generation
  • Intuition
  • Life Leech
  • Light Wave Manipulation
  • Magnetic Control
  • Mass Mind
  • Mental Blast
  • Mental Control
  • Mental Control Over Physical State
  • Mental Defenselessness (D)
  • Mental Defense Shield
  • Molecular Disruption
  • Molecular Understanding
  • Multiple Damage (D)
  • Planar Travel
  • Poor Dual Brain (D)
  • Precognition
  • Pyrokinesis
  • Radar/Sonar
  • Reflection
  • Repulsion Field
  • Sound Imitation
  • Telekinesis
  • Telekinetic Arm
  • Telekinetic Flight
  • Telepathy
  • Teleportation
  • Thought Imitation
  • Time Field Manipulation
  • Total Healing
  • Weather Manipulation
  • Will Force

Plant/Vegetable Mutations

  • Adaptation
  • Aromatic Powers
  • Attraction Odor (D)
  • Bacterial Symbiosis
  • Barbed Leaves
  • Berries
  • Boring Tendrils
  • Carnivorous Jaws
  • Color Sensitivity and Imitation
  • Contact Poison Sap
  • Daylight Stasis (D)
  • Dissolving Juices
  • Divisional Body Segments
  • Electrical Generation
  • Explosive and/or radiated fruit or seeds
  • Heat Generation
  • Increased Senses
  • Low Fertility
  • Manipulation Vines
  • Mobility
  • New Plant Parts
  • New Senses
  • Parasitic Attachment
  • Physical Reflection
  • Poison Throwing Thorns
  • Poison Vines
  • Radiated Plant Fibre
  • Razor-edged Leaves
  • Saw-edged Leaves
  • Seed Mobility
  • Size Decrease
  • Size Increase
  • Sleep Gas (GW2)
  • Sonic Attack Ability
  • Squeeze Vines/Roots
  • Spore Cloud and/or shooting Seeds
  • Sucker Vines
  • Tangle Vines
  • Temperature Sensitivity (D)
  • Texture Change
  • Thorns/Spines
  • Throwing Thorns
  • Wings/Gas Bag
chronica_mutanis_mundi/mutations.1505441338.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/09/14 19:08 by Mike Holmes