The chieftain of Highvale is a mutant human woman who has a partial carapace (what might appear to be a fur cape in the picture is actually several inches of hide and fur) and great strength. The people trust her, because her decisions have almost always turned out well for the village.
A badder who has adjusted to life in Highvale (most of his kind are not well-adjusted to other folk), and who is a member of the Archivists.
Casimir's mother.
Casimir's father. A PSH ousted from Meadow Valley when he took Malady as his mate.
Shaman of the spirits of Dowin, a mutant human with grey skin, and rumored to be able to talk to machines. May decide to tag along with the majority test aspirants
These are the people who are planning on going on the majority test.
A mutant cat/leopard who leads the hunters of Highvale, including leading the majority tests for the hunters.
Empathic mutant human, and hunter.
Moreen appears to be a Pure Strain Human, but is known to have agility and strength that suggests that she is a mutant. These traits make her an excellent hunter. Everybody assumes she'll pass the test.
Moreen has brought her friend Shaunda on the majority test. This is really more just for companionship, as they're good friends.
A brash hunter aspirant, who has brought his girlfriend Visolela, probably to show off to her. There's a strange rumor going around about this couple.
Vis for short, Visolela is a Gren transplant from their nearby village.