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Name: Janessa Iyer

Pronouns: She/her/hers

Description: A wiry, sharp-angled woman in her late thirties, all sinew and sunburn. Keeps her dusty blonde hair cut short, and tends to wear simple T-shirts and work pants, well seasoned with engine grease and grass stains.


  • Str: 4
  • Int: 4
  • Agi: 5
  • Con: 6
  • Edu: 4
  • Cha: 5
  • Emp: 1
  • Wil: 6


  • Background: Shantytowner
  • School: Arcology Tech College
  • Career: Handywoman
  • Career: Suburban Scrounger
  • Career: Blight Farmer
  • Career: Community Defense


  • Act/Bluff 3
  • Biology 3
  • Business 2
  • Chemistry 4
  • Cool 2
  • Leadership 4
  • Luck 1
  • Mechanic 5
  • Melee Combat 2
  • Navigation 3
  • Observation 5
  • Persuasion 3
  • Pickpocket 1
  • Small Arms 2
  • Streetwise 6
  • Tracking 2
  • Human Empathy 2


  • Rebuilt Tractor 2
  • Battered Jeep 3
  • “Off My Lawn”, the shotgun 3
  • Chem set 3
  • Toolbox 2


  • Darren Iyer, younger brother, still living in the shantytowns
  • Professor Hideki, a biochemist at a college in the arcologies
  • (undefined contact from Handywoman lifepath)
  • (undefined contact from Suburban Scrounger lifepath)
  • Paulo, another farmer on Nessa's plot. Was a romantic connection for a while, but the two came to a mutual realization that they make better coworkers than lovers. They still flirt to blow off steam but aren't a “thing”.
  • Tasha, a rep to the community defense group. Has a small garden plot with the blight farmers and a job at a neighborhood bar.


  • Passion 4
  • Advances 1
  • Pending bonuses:
    • Blight farmers impressed by Nessa's leadership, +4
dark_conspiracy/janessa_iyer.1579571777.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/20 17:56 by sabrecat