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Mike's Character


Name: Dagoliir
Class: Bard
Race: Elf
Sex: Male
Age: 239

Look: Knowing Eyes, Stylish Cap, Traveling Clothes, Fit Body


HP Max: 6 Current HP: 6

Armor: Nil

  • Str 8 (-1)
  • Dex 13 (+1)
  • Con 9 (0)
  • Int 15 (+1)
  • Wis 11 (0)
  • Cha 17 (+2)

XP: 0

Damage: d6


  • Arcane Art (CHA)
  • Bardic Lore (Grand Histories of the Known World)
  • Charming and Open
  • A Port in the Storm


  • The pipes with which I courted my first love
  • Ostentatious Clothes
  • Dueling Rapier (Close, Precise, 2 Weight)
  • Halfling Pipeweed (1 Weight)
  • Dungeon Rations (1 weight)
dungeon_world.1333656897.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/04/05 13:14 by Mike Holmes