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General Store
  • 5 - Backpack
  • 2 - Barrel
  • 1 - Bell
  • 5 - Block and tackle
  • 2 - Bottle of wine
  • 1 - Candles (100)
  • 1 - Canvas (10 square yards)
  • 1 - Case (map or scroll)
  • 30 - Chain (10 feet)
  • 1 - Chalk (20 sticks)
  • 2 - Chest
  • 1 - Crowbar (5 of them!)
  • 4 - Fishing net (25 square feet)
  • 1 - Flask (leather, 30 of them!)
  • 1 - Flint & steel
  • 10 - Garlic
  • 1 - Grappling hook
  • 1 - Hammer (2 of them!)
  • 20 - Hand mirror (steel)
  • 1 - Holy symbol (wood, upgrade to silver for only 25 coins!)
  • 25 - Holy water (flask)
  • 1 - Ink (1 oz. bottle)
  • 1 - Ladder (10 foot, 20 of them!)
  • 1 - Lamp (bronze, 10 of them!)
  • 1 - Lamp oil (gallon)
  • 12 - Lantern (bullseye)
  • 7 - Lantern, hooded
  • 20 - Lock (or more!)
  • 15 - Manacles
  • 5 - Musical instrument (kazoo, slide whistle, melodica, etc.)
  • 1 - Parchment (5 sheets)
  • 1 - Pole (10 foot, 5 of them!)
  • 1 - Pot (iron, 2 of them!)
  • 1 - Day's Rations
  • 1 - Rope (50 feet, upgrade to silk for only 10 coins!)
  • 2 - Sack
  • 2 - Shovel
  • 1 - Signal whistle (2 of them!)
  • 25 - Spellbook (Alas, blank!)
  • 1 - Iron spikes (20 of them!)
  • 10 - Tent
  • 1 - Torch (100 of them!)
  • 1 - Waterskin
  • 1 - Wolfsbane (10 wolves worth?)
dyson_s_delfs.1492824630.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/04/21 18:30 by paganini