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Fair Play

A multi-media fantasy RPG

By Mike Holmes and Friends


Fair Play is a work in progress, currently. Generally the design is meant to create role-playing in a fantasy world that grows from nothing at the start but our commonly held memetic notions of what fantasy worlds are like. As play proceeds, various extant bits of media (likely mostly pictures) are added to text play to create information about the world. This new information, then, creates routs for further investigation, and growth of the world.

Design Goals and Constraints

Below are the goals that have been identified, reflecting Mike Holmes' vision for the game, and constraints on what the design will attempt and how. These may change over time.

  • The game is an “RPG” in the traditional sense that there will be players playing characters through events in a fictional world.
  • The world will be designed by all of the participants of the game, equally.
  • The game will have a GM, but their role is mostly as facilitator of play, and player of all characters who are not the responsibilities of the other players.
fair_play.1546627710.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/01/04 10:48 by mike_holmes