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The Whitelist: Diamond Steel

This is the list of stock Diamond Steel gear for Karbon, part of The Whitelist.

Hypertech Body 3
  • Cost: 55 kcred, 10 steps
  • Training: Prowess Force: 3
  • Feature(s): 2; Break, Step/+3
  • Scope: Self
  • This is a full replacement synthetic body produced by the facilities of Hypertech at their Jupiter station. It has enhanced strength and speed, and can take substantial injury. An agent counts all physical injury as one less (not immunity but a penalty to effective injury when dealt) if they have a Body 3. When the agent commits to the behavior “doing something a human can’t” they earn +3 steps to their conflict. On a break roll result they may elect to burn a fortune and roll it for a 4+ chance of winning the conflict. An Agent may only be in one replacement body at a time, but can have several available.
Neptune Industries Enigma
  • Cost: 15 kcred, 5 steps
  • Training: Prowess Force: 4
  • Feature(s): 1; Step/+3
  • Scope: Self
  • This is a full replacement synthetic body produced by the facilities of Neptune at their (you guessed it) Neptune station. The neptune Enigma is a body designed for stealth and covert ops. It has many features designed to help avoid detection. When an Agent with an Enigma commits to the behavior “running silent like the night” they earn the steps to the applicable conflict. An Agent may only be in one replacement body at a time, but can have several available.
Global's Tricked Box
  • Cost: 21 kcred, 6 steps
  • Training: Prowess Force: 4
  • Feature(s): 1; Step/+3
  • Scope: Self
  • This is a full replacement robotic body produced by Global all over the known universe. The tricked box is literally no more than a block with stick arms and legs, lacking most human features. When an agent commits to the behavior “rocking the box”, they treat all their immunities as one higher. If pure toughness and strength is applicable to a conflict, the agent earns the steps towards it. An Agent may only be in one replacement body at a time, but can have several available.
karbon/class/diamond_steel.txt · Last modified: 2012/09/22 12:21 by JasonP