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The Whitelist: Lightwire

This is the list of stock Lightwire gear for Karbon, part of The Whitelist.

Lunar Lightwire
  • Cost: 21 kcred, 6 steps
  • Training: Fight, Prowess, & Prowl Force: 3
  • Feature(s): 1; Break
  • Scope: Self
  • This lightwire gives the user an impressive temporary boost of power, speed, and coordination. It makes the wearer sparkle at the same time, and quite warm. When an agent rolls a break on any applicable conflict using Fight, Prowess, or Prowl, they count their level as three higher for this conflict if they expend the lightwire. It may only be recharged by spending 6 kcred (3 steps) between scenes.
Solar Lightwire
  • Cost: 21 kcred, 6 steps
  • Training: Fight & Prowess Force: 3
  • Feature(s): 1; Step/+3
  • Scope: Self
  • This lightwire gives the user an impressive temporary boost of power and speed, when they suffer an injury or physical condition. When the agent commits to the risky behavior “acting without regard to injury” they earn the steps to Fight or Prowess applicable conflicts. If the agent suffers injury or a physical condition (minor or otherwise), they then treat their levels as three higher for this conflict if they expend the lightwire. It may only be recharged by spending 6 kcred (3 steps) between scenes.
Laser Lightwire
  • Cost: 21 kcred, 6 steps
  • Training: Hand-Eye Force: 3
  • Feature(s): 1; Break
  • Scope: Self
  • This lightwire gives the user some truly amazing coordination and grace, but is hard to activate even when trained in the methods. On a break roll, treat the levels of the agent at three higher for the applicable conflict and expend this lightwire. It may only be recharged by spending 6 kcred (3 steps) between scenes.
karbon/class/lightwire.txt · Last modified: 2012/09/22 12:25 by JasonP