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Roll 4dF (if you don't have fudge dice that's 4d3-8) for each of:
Refer to the table below for the results, and just record the value in the “score” column.
Score | Modifier | Descriptor |
-5 | Abysmal | Severely Handicapped |
-4 | Awful | Severely Impaired |
-3 | Bad | Impaired |
-2 | Poor | Significantly Below Average |
-1 | Mediocre | Below Average |
+0 | Fair | Average or Normal |
+1 | Good | Above Average |
+2 | Great | Significantly Above Average |
+3 | Exceptional | Gifted |
+4 | Amazing | Highly Gifted |
+5 | Phenomenal | Exceptionally Gifted |
So you rolled really low, and the character will probably not last long? That's too bad. Suck it up, Adventurer.
Select a race for the character. The effect of race, largely, is to give a +1 to an attribute, and a -1 to another. Thus a player might take Dwarf as the Adventurer's race, and get a +1 Con, and -1 Dex. Players should feel free to create a race that fits their needs, should they not find one that fits perfectly from any list.
Here's a notional list of sample Races.
Each player has 40 adventurer points (AP) to spend tailoring their character. The costs are in the chart below. Note that the maximum increases mentioned are per ability, whether it be skill, attribute, bond, etc. Several of each category can be put up to max, if the player wishes.
Purchase | Cost | Max Initial Increase |
Attribute +1 | 6 | +2 |
Skill +1 | 2 | +3 |
Specialization +1 | 1 | +2 |
Bond +1 | 2 | +4 |
Item Familiarity +1 | 1 | +3 |
Power | * | * |
*These values must be determined by the GM.
The player may raise up one skill or Bond to +5 as their character's “trademark.” If any player's have duplicate trademark skills, they all have to agree to share that specialty, or they roll a d20 each, and high roller gets the specialty (re-roll high ties). The other players, in this case, must select another specialty, or decide that their character does not have one. This is not true for trademark bonds, which may be shared.
Characters have skills in various areas that are important to survival in the dungeon environment.
Skill | Related Attribute |
Appraise | Int |
Armorer | Int |
Balance | Dex |
Bluff | Cha |
Climb | Str |
Concentration | Con |
Decipher Ancient Script | Int |
Diplomacy | Cha |
Disable Device | Int |
Dungeon Architecture | Int |
Enchanting | Int |
Endurance | Con |
Escape Artist | Dex |
Fight | Str |
Fortitude* | Con |
Grimness | -Wis |
Heal | Wis |
Hide | Dex |
Intimidate | Cha |
Item Lore | Int |
Jump | Str |
Listen | Wis |
Monster Knowledge | Int |
Move Silently | Dex |
Open Lock | Dex |
Reflex* | Dex |
Search | Int |
Sense Motive | Wis |
Shoot | Dex |
Speak Language | none |
Spellcraft | Int |
Spot | Wis |
Survival | Wis |
Swim | Str |
Teach | Wis |
Tumble | Dex |
Use Magic Device | Cha |
Use Rope | Dex |
Weaponsmith | Int |
Will* | Wis |
*Defense skills (See Below)
A player may take a specialization of any of the above skills, as long as it significantly narrows down the skill (DM's approval needed). The most common specialization is in a type of weapon, as an example. Other typical specializations are “resistances” or specializations of certain of the defense skills, such as Resist Poison, or Resist Wounds (AKA Toughness). Both of these being specialties of Fortitude. Bargaining is a common specialty of Diplomacy that allows for better prices at the vendors, as yet another example.
Specialty | Base Skill |
Appraise Gems | Appraise |
Bargain | Diplomacy |
Enchant Rings | Enchanting |
Endurance | Long Distance Running |
Wield Sword | Fight |
Resist Poison | Fortitude |
Staff Lore | Item Lore |
Parry | Reflex |
Find Traps | Search |
Archery | Shoot |
Scrolls | Use Magic Device |
Forge Swords | Weaponsmith |
Resist Charm | Will |
Specializations are not particularly cost effective, but may allow a player to start with a total bonus in a small area that's higher than otherwise possible.
In addition to skills, adventurers may have “Bonds” with other adventurers. These are treated as skills, and listed as “Bond With X” where X is the name of the adventurer with whom the character has the bond. A bond may add to a roll in addition to the skills and attribute involved, assuming that the bond comes into play in some fashion. For instance, if the characters in question are somehow collaborating on accomplishing something, then the bond pertains.
Note that the death of an Adventurer with whom a bond is shared means that the bond in question is necessarily limited in it's value, so bonds come with a certain amount of risk.
Almost like a bond to an object, an Item Familiarity gives the user a bonus when using a favorite bit of equipment. This bonus applies to this equipment only… if the equipment is lost or destroyed, the character cannot transfer the familiarity to another item; it is lost.
Note that Item Familiarity is listed on the character sheet in the stat block of the item in question, not alongside skills, etc.
These are additional feats and magic abilities such as spells which the adventurer is able to use. These are often handled as skills, but may target various defenses, may go to a weaker damage roll, even if the target makes their defense roll, may affect defenses. And, of course, powers may do things that skills cannot. Note that any feat that simply adds to skills should just be taken as appropriate raises to the appropriate skill levels.
Here are some notes on various Powers.
Spells are special powers that are often more powerful than other powers, and have costs that prevent them from being used over and over. They may also have casting times that make them unwieldy. One cost of using any Spell is that it always creates fatigue, at least one point, and possibly more: the GM will decide when the power is created.
Negative traits are ratings that the character has associated with them that represent impediments or problems that they're encountering, and which will follow them around until removed. Generally Adventurers start the game in good health and unencumbered by problems that would be represented by negative ratings. Cheeky players may elect to begin with as many negative traits as they like as a handicap to start the game (which will very likely get them killed in short order).
Negative Traits usually have some attribute or skill which they offset in some way. For instance the Wounds trait is offset by Constitution. See “Damage” below.
Note that Grimness in the list of skills above is generally considered a negative trait, but a player who wishes to start with a Grimness rating must pay for it, as it has some potential positive advantages. Other Negative Traits include:
Trait | Offset |
Weakness | Strength |
Befuddlement | Intelligence |
Confusion | Wisdom |
Clumsiness | Dexterity |
Wounds | Constitution |
Bad Attitude | Charisma |
Fatigue | Endurance |
Grimness | Will |
Other negative traits are likely to appear in play.
Negative traits can be removed by the process detailed under “Healing” in the section on Adventuring.
Each adventurer starts out with the following:
All of these items must come off the Standard Equipment tables on the Equipment page.