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The Loop

Character Generation

Mechanically characters are rated by dice that define various abilities.

Abilities are rated with die-levels (best to worst): d4, d6, d8, d10, d12

* Start with 30 points * die size costs:

d12 - 1 (1)
d10 - +2 (3)
 d8 - +4 (7)
 d6 - +8 (15)
 d4 - +16 (31)
  • Sorcery costs 2x
  • Save leftover points for DiP

Default Abilities

Default abilities begin at d12 for free. If purchased at a higher level, deduct this one free point from the cost.

  • Persuasion
  • Violence
  • Perspicacity
  • Hardiness (under consideration)

Other Abilities

Other abilities per Talislanta or Dying Earth?


Characters start with 7 points of Wherewithal, representing energy and enthusiasm to get things done (see uses in Resolution below).

Resolution System

Characters roll dice from abilities that pertain.

If no Ability applies, roll d20 or SUCK IT

GM rolls for of opposition: NPC Abilities, or static obstacles (default: d12)

All sides roll, lowest roll wins.


Spend a point of Wherewithal to re-roll any die rolled

* Pool refreshes to full with “refreshment” scenes

  • Health is returned to normal by a “recovery” scene

* Advantage: For one reason or another you may have the advantage over an opponent. In that case, your Ability operates at one die better (i.e., smaller) than normal. (This is mostly to reflect fictional positioning in contests - the GM can cleverly adjust the obstacle die the rest of the time)

* Use die level adjustments to track the strength / health of minor antagonists and or groups (bandits d8 get whacked down to bandits d10 etc.)

loop/the_loop.1575776505.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/12/07 19:41 by mike_holmes