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  • Do drives require fuel?
  • If so, is that fuel scarce?
    • How scarce (compare to a real fuel on earth)?
  • Are these fuels used for other applications?

Ship Building

  • Does ship construction require unobtainium?
  • Is shipbuilding so complex or resource intensive that it occurs only a few locations (shipyards)?


  • What is the maximum speed of FTL travel (in abstract units)?
  • What are the minimum and maximum speeds of Commo bomb transmissions?

Ship Operation

  • Are starships capable of atmospheric operations?
    • If so, are they streamlined? Or is their method of movement such that air resistance is not an issue (like anti-grav)?

Combat, Tactics, and Strategy

Ship Classes

  • Do fighters exist?
    • Why?
  • Maneuver in normal space should theoretically be vector-based, is it? Or is there something odd going on?
  • What is are the roles of other small ships?
    • Is it just cost-efficiency that creates small ships?
    • Notes: If it is cost-efficiency, then either small or large ships probably have an advantage in combat effectiveness per unit cost. In which case, you'd probably only build the more efficient ship. IRL ships of varying sizes have varying specialized roles that suit their size. For instance, torpedo boats were invented as a short-range very combat cost effective way to deal with big ships. This would have resulted in the end of big ships being able to attack other countries, except that they invented a small type ship to destroy torpedo boats, which is where we get destroyers from (the were originally “Torpedo Boat Destroyers” and later became important in submarine detection and destruction).

Strategic Movement

  • If larger ships move faster than smaller ones, are fleet actions performed at all? Rather, if you wanted fleet operations to occur, wouldn't you just save space on the drives for larger ships, and limit their movement to that of the smaller ships, using the space gained to make them more combat effective? Certainly there would be a few “fast response” ships in these circumstances, but if there's a legitimate combat role for smaller ships, there would also be larger ships that would go with fleet speed movement, no?
lupos/questions.1328469441.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/02/05 11:17 by Mike Holmes