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Battle Unit Basics

Battle Unit Basics (BUB) is the very core of Moira. This explains how Units in play work and do Battle in a very Basic set of rules.


In simplest terms, a unit is rated with a die code called Strength. This is the ability of the unit to attack or defend itself unless some other rule says otherwise. This strength die code is listed as two parts: a die to roll, and a bonus to add to that roll, like so: 1d8+2. When the unit makes a strength roll to attack or a strength roll to defend, you roll that die and add the amount listed.

We determine the die code of a unit by it's Class. There are six classes of units, rated from smallest die (weakest) to largest die (strongest). Here is the breakdown:

  • 1d4 - Light Fodder: These units are the weakest of all, but very cost effective. You need fodder units to distract and control the movements of the Demon.
  • 1d6 - Heavy Fodder: These units are stronger than the light fodder, but not yet considered more than Demon food. They play the same roll as light fodder, but are tougher.
  • 1d8 - Light Mainstay: These units are the mainline, central core units of an army. The light ones are weaker than heavy but more cost effective.
  • 1d10 - Heavy Mainstay: These units are the mainline, central core units of an army. They are tough, but not as tough as the specials.
  • 1d12 - Special Core: These units are heroes, champions, and those that rise above. Tough units that aren't cheap but effective.
  • 1d20 - Features: These units are both truly amazing and costly, each army can have only one in their collective militia. The Demon is also considered a Feature, and is considered a special 1d20 unit.
moira/battle_unit_basics.1415141414.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/11/04 14:50 by JasonP